Grammarly is one of the best spell checker platforms and writing tools online. If you’re a writer or even if you own a website and have to write content on a regular basis, Grammarly is a must in order to have grammatically-correct content. Grammarly finds and repairs over 250 different types of grammar and punctuation mistakes, leaving you with 100% checked text.
The system is simple, all you have to do is drag and drop a Word document or you can also choose to paste the content that you want to verify directly onto their website for instant suggestions. However, one of the main downsides to using Grammarly is that you have to pay a monthly subscription fee in order to benefit from their premium spell checking features. While their prices aren’t over-the-top ridiculous, it’s still yet another monthly payment and most people simply prefer searching for free websites like Grammarly.
We’ve located the best sites like Grammarly online so you can discover amazing alternatives and make your content the best it can be without having to pay a dime. Our list of free sites like Grammarly is filled with highly competitive options that provide you with an experience similar to Grammarly without the fees. Whether you’re a writer, an editor or even a website developer, you owe it to yourself to use the best grammar checker tool available.
WhiteSmoke is another one of the great alternatives available. It’s compatible with all of the major web browsers and you can use it on your mobile phone or tablet as well. Not only does WhiteSmoke provide you with quality grammar checking services, but it can also translate content into 50 different languages. WhiteSmoke also provides you with a plagiarism checker.
Plagramme is one of the best free plagiarism checkers online. This site provides you with numerous features that allow you to easily find matches, detect paraphrases, bad citations and more. One of the best things about Plagramme is that it’s available in multiple languages, allowing you to check for plagiarism internationally. Give Plagramme a try right now as one of the best alternatives to Grammarly!
Another one of the great services like Grammarly is Unplag. While this online service does not actually provide you with grammar checking features, it provides you with high quality plagiarism detection. This is a must-have tool for any serious writing or student. Whether you’re uploading articles online or even if you’re handing in term papers, you always want to be sure that you’re not plagiarizing someone else’s work.
Proofread Bot
Proofread Bot is one of the best websites like Grammarly for checking your content online. This tool is free to use and you can easily copy and paste content directly into their website. However, they also have proofreading bots available that can automatically scan Word docs and other platforms for you, ensuring that no grammar mistakes ever get missed. Discover Proofread Bot right now!
PaperRater is one of the best Grammarly alternatives available online. This grammar checker will automatically detect hundreds of different types of grammar errors and spelling mistakes. With the free version, you can only submit 5 pages at a time, but you can submit as many batches of 5 pages as you like, making it completely free to use.
SentenceChecker is a much simpler tool that lets you quickly verify content by pasting it right on their website. When pasting any type of English content in Sentence Checker, you’re guaranteed to get perfect spelling, flawless grammar and 0% plagiarism due to their plagiarism checker tool. If you’re looking for a simple to use site like Grammarly, you’re going to love SentenceChecker.
Hemingway Editor
Hemingway Editor is one of the best sites like Grammarly online. This online grammar checker is colorful and highlights your mistakes as you type. It can detect grammar errors, long sentences and much more. Plus, Hemingway Editor will even show you words you could use instead to make your content more readable. Hemingway Editor is a free Grammarly alternative that works great!
SlickWrite is absolutely amazing. It’s very simple to use and you can instantly get hundreds of words corrected without any delays. SlickWrite highlights your mistakes and places a little note detailing what you did wrong and how you can fix it. Not only does SlickWrite correct your work, but it also teaches you how to write it correctly for the next time around. Easily one of the best grammar tools online.
GrammarBase is another one of the excellent sites like Grammarly that lets you spellcheck for free. Simply paste any content of your choice into their text box and they will instantly correct your mistakes. They also highlight your errors so you can learn what you did wrong. GrammarBase checks your work really fast, providing you with rapid results and they have checked over 5 billion words thus far.
Official SiteVirtual Writing Tutor is a great option similar to Grammarly that provides you with full grammar checking tools. All you have to do is paste your content into their text area and you can immediately click on “check spelling” or “check grammar”. They take care of showing you what you missed and how to fix it. Virtual Writing Tutor is a simple and efficient site like Grammarly.