Q&A sites like Yahoo Answers allow you to get information about nearly any topics. Whether you want to ask questions about the government, how the human body works or even how to fix your car, Yahoo Answers has an answer for you.
These community driven Q&A sites allow anyone to ask a question and anyone to answer. This means you’ll be getting answers from all sorts of people from all walks of life. However, one of the downsides of websites like Yahoo Answers is that they are often loaded with immature people who provide nonsense answers.
We’ve narrowed down a list of the best Q&A sites like Yahoo Answers online. These websites are all community driven. Whether you’re looking for answers or even if you want to provide assistance, these sites can make it possible. Browse our selection below to get started!
Official SiteQuora is easily one of the best sites like Yahoo Answers on the internet. With a massive community of active users, you will rapidly get the answers to your questions. Quora has one of the best looking interfaces, allowing you to easily keep track of views, stats and much more. Whether you want to find information or even if you want to share knowledge, you’ll love using this Q&A website.
Ask Jelly
Official SiteAsk Jelly is another one of the best communities online for asking questions and getting answers. They have an attractive user interface along with tons of different categories available to choose from. Whether you want sports answers, questions about fruit or even information about how to recharge a cell phone, you’ll find all the info you need at Ask Jelly.
Official SiteZip is actually a mobile phone app that you can download for Android of iOS. It’s one of the fastest growing Q&A apps with millions of registered users. Users ask a question and then the community votes for an answer. This allows you to see how others feel about certain topics or if most people lean more towards one answer rather than another. Zip is truly worth checking out!
Ask Reddit
Official SiteReddit is among the most popular forums on the internet and if you’re looking for Q&A sites like Yahoo Answers, this is pretty much one of the best places to visit. With a highly active and engaged community of users, you will get much more than simple answers. You will get tons of information about any subject and you can even enter more precise “sub-reddits” for even better responses.
Official SiteAsk.com is one of the best search engines if you’re looking for specific questions. Simply type your question into the search bar and you’ll be shown tons of results with great precision. While Ask remains a search engine similar to Google, it provides you with much better results if you’re trying to ask questions. Give Ask.com a try now and see for yourself.
Ask MetaFilter
Official SiteAsk MetaFilter is another huge community of users that helps you find the answers that you seek. They have a very simple to use interface that allows you to get the answers to your questions of all genres. Whether you’re looking for information about how to build a website or even if you want to find out information on how to increase your social skills, Ask MetaFilter is super simple to use.
Official SiteFluther is another one of the top sites like Yahoo Answers that allows you to get quick answers to all types of questions. Fluther is packed with thousands of daily users, so you get nearly instant responses after posting a question. Fluther is not as big as Yahoo Answers or the other websites listed here, but it’s certainly a great alternative worth considering.
Stack Exchange
Official SiteStack Exchange is another one of the top communities online that is very similar to Yahoo Answers. With millions of regular users, this community is one of the largest online. Stack Exchange is open to all types of questions, but they specialize in webmaster type questions. Whether you need assistance coding a new site or even if you’re looking for help with other tasks, you’ll love Stack Exchange as one of the top websites like Yahoo Answers.