If you’re looking for sites like Rate My Professor to give ratings to your teachers and school, you won’t want to miss out on this list. We’ve compiled a list of the best teacher rating sites online, allowing you to find out all about professors and educational institutions from all over the world.
Whether you’re from Canada, the USA, Europe or anywhere else, these sites are going to make it easy for you to find what you’re looking for. Teacher rating websites allow you to rank your professors, schools and even see what others have to say about them.
While Rate My Professor is one of the most popular sites of the genre, you may not always be able to find information about a specific professor. Checking out more sites like Rate My Professor will make it possible for you to find even more information. Browse our list below to get started now!
Rate My Teacher
Official SiteRate My Teachers is one of the best teacher rating site online. If you’re a fan of sites like Rate My Professor, you won’t want to miss out on this site. It lets teachers, parents and students give their inputs on classrooms, teachers and schools. Whether you want to rate a high school teacher or even a university campus, Rate My Teachers is definitely the place to be.
Official SiteUloop is one of the very interesting sites that you’ll love visiting if you’re a college student. Along with a ton of useful information, access to textbooks and helpful resources, Uloop also allows you to rate professors online. Uloop makes it easy for you to quickly rate professors from your school, or any other school for that matter. Browse the professor ratings now or enter your own ratings at Uloop.
Teacher Complaints
Official SiteIf your teachers are getting on your nerves, have their favorite students or just aren’t doing their job properly, Teacher Complaints is the place to go. This is one of the best sites like Rate My Professor if you want to complain about your teacher. Whether you’re in high school, college or even university, you can quickly and easily file a complaint for free.
Students Review
Official SiteStudents Review is another excellent place to be if you want to find reviews of all genres left by students. One of the best things about this site is that it’s much more than just a teacher rating site. You will find full college reviews, interesting articles for students and much more. Students Review is one of the best resources for students all around the world.
Rate a Prof
Official SiteRate a Prof is one of the top sites like Rate My Professor on the internet. While the interface seems old and outdated, the information on this site is always up to date. Millions of monthly contributors make Rate a Prof one of the best teacher rating sites online. File a complaint against a teacher, give feedback about campuses or simply browse through all of the information left by other users.