Everyone loves to take pictures and we usually have a lot of them. Selfies, group photos, pictures of our babies, pictures of our pets, the pictures in our personal collections are endless. Traditional pictures are great but when you add photo effects it makes them even better. Face in Hole is one of the best way to turn an ordinary photo into an extravagant or silly one.
Face in Hole lets you become a new person every day. This site lets you edit picture online for free and there’s over 200,000 templates to choose from. There’s so many options that you’ll never use them all. Face in Hole only takes a few seconds to produce something amazing. Upload a picture, choose a template, and save your creation. It’s that simple.
This site is a ton of fun. You can be the next Mona Lisa, a weightlifter, or put yourself next to the Eiffel Tower. Your options are endless with Face in Hole. If you like this site, you’ll love these other photo editing websites like Face in Hole. Each one has a different style and a different way to create a work of art with a picture of yourself or a loved one.
Official SitePhotoEditorX gives you the power to edit your photos like a they’ve been done in a professional studio. This addition to our list of websites like Face in Hole is an excellent photo editor. On this site, you can enhance and edit your photos in as little as 5 minutes. Step by step instructions are available and best of all, PhotoEditorX is free.
Official SiteImikimi can make your photos look amazing with millions of premade frames. To use this site similar to Face in Hole, simply choose a frame, add a picture, and share it through email or social media. That’s it. Imikimi has sensual frames, funny frames, frames with poems, frames that make you look like a model, and more. Browse this free site to discover them all.
Official SitePhotoFunia is one of the best picture editing sites on our list of websites like Face in Hole. This site was created for people who want to be creative with picutres and art. PhotoFunia has an enormous collection of free templates, a ton of stickers, cool effects, and more to add to your favorite pics so you can turn them into masterpieces. Start having fun with your photos now.
Official SiteClubDud is a lot like Face in Hole. This website also lets you put your face, or anyone else’s, in a precut hole found on a template. Put your face on a white tiger, in a favorite tv show, maybe you want to be part of a retro movie poster, the opportunities are endless and best of all, ClubDub is completely free. All it takes is a picture to get started.
Yearbook Yourself
Official SiteThis online photo editor free site is called Yearbook Yourself. On this site you can create personal yearbook pages and place your face in vintage photos. Like most of the other sites like Face in Hole, all it takes is a picture to get started. Pick a template and upload the desired face. Create a page or an entire yearbook in minutes. Surprise your friends the next time you get together with a creation made on this site.
Image Chef
Official SiteMillions of people all over the world are expressing themselves each day with this addition to our list of websites like Face in Hole called Image Chef. On this site, you can add text and frames to make funny images. Choose from categories like Christmas, bling, music, or zodiac to get started and add more until it feels complete. Sharing is done with a few clicks and you can download your creations for later.