When Seconds Count: First Aid for Choking in Children

Did you know that choking is one of the leading causes of injury-related death in children aged 14 and younger? It’s important to know how to perform first aid for choking in children, especially if you have children yourself.

Keep reading to learn how to save children from choking and what to do if they are choking.

Clear the Airway

In order to provide first aid for choking children, it is important to clear their airways. If the object is visible, then use your fingers to gently sweep the object out, being careful not to push the object further down.

If the object is not visible, then give a series of five abdominal thrusts known as the “Heimlich Maneuver.” The technique requires a rescuer to stand behind the child and hold them firmly around the waist.

Place a fist with the thumb side against the abdomen, just above the child’s belly button. On the other hand, grab the fist and perform quick inward and upward thrusts until the object is expelled from the airway. 

Respond With Compassion

When it comes to administering choking first aid to children, it is essential to respond with compassion. Be aware of the child’s fear and reassure them by talking calmly, staying close, and providing a comforting touch.

Parents and caregivers should remain calm and composed, as it will help the child remain calm and settle down. If the child remains stuck or can’t speak, it is important to remember basic first aid for choking, such as back slaps directly between the shoulder blades, followed by chest thrusts, if needed.

Compassion helps reassure the child that everything will be alright and can make the difference between life and death.

Seek Medical Attention

Seek medical attention if a child is choking and you are unable to provide first aid for it. If the obstruction cannot be cleared, the child may not be able to breathe, causing a lack of oxygen and leading to more serious complications.

A healthcare provider can assess the patient and decide on the best course of action. Depending on the severity of the child’s health, an ambulance may be called to take the child to the nearest hospital.

Choking is an emergency situation, so any delay in seeking medical attention can prove to be dangerous for the child’s health. Knowing the correct first aid techniques for choking in children is critical, but healthcare professionals can offer more advanced treatments and solutions to ensure the child’s safety.

Taking a CPR or First Aid Certification online at https://cprcertificationnow.com/products/first-aid-certification-online is one way to be well-versed in the proper procedures to follow in such cases.

Learn All About First Aid for Choking

Be sure to practice the techniques in this article regularly as a parent, and make sure your friends and family do too. Knowing how to administer first aid for choking in children is invaluable.

In an emergency, you can confidently get the help needed. Contact your health professional or the local emergency number for further help and advice.

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