Long-term birth control has been a challenge for women in the United States. However, it’s been getting easier to navigate over the past few years. The intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD) has been available in this country since 1969. However, it wasn’t until recently that IUDs were widely considered an effective form of birth control.
Now that they’re on the rise, many people turn to them as their long-term solution. Here’s what you need to know about these devices if you’re considering them as part of your family planning strategy:
Understanding Intrauterine Contraceptive Devices (IUDs)
Intrauterine contraceptive devices (IUDs) are small, T-shaped devices that are inserted into a woman’s uterus to prevent pregnancy. IUDs work by preventing sperm from joining with an egg and fertilizing it.
An IUD can also alter the lining of your uterus. Thus, if an egg is fertilized by sperm, it won’t be able to attach itself to your uterine wall. The efficacy rate of IUDs is almost 99%. That’s probably why as many as 23% of women use IUDs for contraception.
There are two of the most popular IUDs: Paragard and Mirena. Paragard is made from plastic with copper wrapped around its stem. On the other hand, Mirena contains hormones (levonorgestrel) that prevent ovulation and thicken cervical mucus. This ensures that the sperm cannot reach or fertilize an egg if one does manage to ovulate anyway.
Both types last for about five years before needing to be replaced. While IUDs are extremely useful in contraception, there are also some concerns arising, especially with Paragard IUDs. According to TorHoerman Law, many women using Paragard IUDs have faced difficulties during removal. The device is susceptible to breakage during removal.
This can lead to numerous health concerns, such as internal bleeding, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), ectopic pregnancy, infertility, etc. In fact, a study from the NCBI website reveals that many women do not choose IUDs because of the negative experiences associated with IUDs.
If you have had such a negative experience and faced any health problem, you can file a Paragard lawsuit. The lawsuit lets you seek rightful compensation from Paragard manufacturers for the problems you have faced. However, you must build a strong case to win the lawsuit; an experienced attorney can help you.
Although there have been some issues in the past with the Paragard IUDs, IUDs, in general, are still considered effective for contraception. In fact, their long-lasting contraception is one of the key reasons why women use it. This means that you can avoid complications and use IUDs effectively if you get them placed and removed by an experienced doctor.
The IUD Advantage: Benefits and Features
The IUD is a long-term contraceptive option. It’s safe, effective, reversible, and hormone-free. It’s also recommended for women who are at risk for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
Here are some benefits of IUDs:
● Long-term birth control: IUDs can last for up to 12 years, depending on the type you choose. That means no more worrying about taking your pill every day. You’ll have one less thing on your mind.
● No hormones required: Hormonal methods like birth control pills contain estrogen, which increases the risk of blood clots, among other side effects. 10 out of 10,000 women experience blood clots after using hormonal methods of birth control. However, that’s not the case with IUDs.
The Mirena IUD releases small amounts of progesterone into the uterus, which helps prevent pregnancy by making cervical mucus thicker. This prevents sperm from getting through the wall as easily, thus preventing fertilization inside the uterus during ovulation weeks.
Safety and Side Effects
IUDs are safe and effective, with a failure rate of less than 0.5%. They do not cause any major health problems when used appropriately. There are also no significant issues with infertility. A recent study has shown that women regain their fertility within one year of discontinuing IUD usage, amongst other birth control measures.
IUDs can be used by women who have had children, including those who have recently delivered a baby. Breastfeeding mothers can also use these devices.
However, like all birth control methods, IUDs can have side effects and complications. These range from mild to severe and include heavy bleeding, pain during or after sex (postcoital bleeding), nausea, etc.
Postcoital bleeding generally affects 9% of patients. However, only a few of these cases are associated with IUDs. Postcoital bleeding is largely associated with cervical cancer and a few other health problems. Also, as mentioned earlier, there are chances of breakage during removal, especially with Paragard IUDs.
Additionally, you may not be able to get pregnant immediately after having an IUD removed. One reason for this is that some women experience a delay in their return to fertility following the removal of their devices. This is largely due to changes in the cervical mucus from exposure over time to hormonal influence.
Another reason might be related to scarring at the site where tissue was removed during insertion or removal. The complications associated with planting and removing the device may sometimes lead to infertility, too.
Navigating the Decision-Making Process
If you’re considering an IUD, it’s important to remember that the decision-making process is just as important as the actual insertion. The choice should be made after careful consideration of all the factors involved, including:
● Your health history
● Your current relationship status and sexual activity level (if applicable)
● Your family history of reproductive disorders or cancers (if applicable)
Talking with your doctor about whether an IUD is right for you is also helpful. This way, both parties will have all the facts they need before making any decisions about birth control methods.
The Future of IUDs in Family Planning
The future of IUDs in family planning might not remain as bright as it was, especially if the number of Paragard IUD lawsuits increases. However, some changes in the design to make these devices easy to plant and remove can help. These changes can still make IUDs become a mainstream option for contraception.
As more people become aware of the benefits of this long-term contraceptive method, there can be a large increase in its use. They are safe, effective, and easy to use. They can be the perfect combination for those who want to prevent pregnancy but don’t want to take daily medication or undergo surgery.
As you can see, there are many benefits to using an IUD as your primary form of birth control. They are safe, effective, and convenient for women of all ages. Proper care and maintenance can last up to 10 years before needing replacement or removal. Consider this option if you’re looking for something new that works well with your lifestyle.