What Are the Best Scents for Sleep?

Are you looking to sleep better at night?

The right scents can help you sleep better at night. Plenty of other plants and herbs produce calming effects and smells. However, essential oils are powerful enough to possess the scent you need.

While there are plenty of scents that can help you sleep, you need to narrow down what works best for you. Sometimes it takes a while to discover the relaxing scents that can help you relax easier or even fall asleep quicker.

However, there are plenty of scents that can improve your sleep patterns. In this article, we’ll go over some of the best scents for sleep that work for everyone. Take a look at what to consider below.


Lavender can help improve the quality of sleep and can be used before and during the night to obtain maximum benefits. For those who like to enjoy aromatherapy as part of their nightly routine, lavender oil is the ideal choice.

It can be used in an aromatherapy diffuser, blended with other essential oils, or simply dabbed lightly around your bedroom or bed linens, for those who are not fans of oils, lavender flowers or potpourri can be used to provide the desired scent instead.


The sweet, woody scent of sandalwood is both tranquil and uplifting, working to relax the body and mind. The essential oil is said to be particularly helpful for those who suffer from anxiety and insomnia, leading to deeper and more restful sleep.

It can be diffused in an essential, applied directly on the skin, or used as an ingredient in aromatherapy products. Sandalwood is also known to help increase focus and mental clarity during the day. 


The flowering root has been used as an herbal remedy for centuries to induce sleep. It has a unique earthy scent and is known to reduce stress and promote relaxation. The fragrance can help calm the mind and body and decrease feelings of restlessness.

Many people find this scent to be effective in helping them get a better night’s rest. Valerian has been found to naturally relax breathing and reduce the racing thoughts that can keep people awake at night. Additionally, it is said to help reduce overall anxiety and improve sleep quality. 


The sweet and light scent has been used for centuries and is proven to have calming abilities, which makes it a great companion for sleep. The aroma helps the mind achieve a relaxed state and can trigger a response in the brain that encourages sleep.

Jasmine oil has been studied in relation to sleep and has been reported to significantly improve the amount of deep sleep one gets throughout the night. Its anti-anxiety and soothing properties help balance thoughts and emotions, which encourages a better night’s sleep.


Upon inhaling the scent of vanilla, the aroma has a calming effect on the body. The unique and gentle scent soothes and relaxes the mind, allowing you to drift away peacefully into sleep. Vanilla essential oils can also reduce stress and create a sense of tranquility.

Finally, vanilla’s warm, comforting, and reassuring aroma creates a bonding aroma, leading you to relaxation and comfort. Vanilla can be used in multiple ways in order to relax and promote sleep: adding a few drops of vanilla in your diffuser, having a few drops of vanilla on your pillow as you sleep, having scented candles while unwinding before bed, or even taking a relaxing bath with some vanilla essential oils.


It has a sweet, flowery aroma and often is known to relax the mind and body. YlangYlang can be used in a number of ways to create a more tranquil environment for sleep. One of the best ways is to add it to a diffuser, so the scent can waft around the room and aid with relaxation.

Alternatively, it can be added to a moisturizer or body cream, so it can be applied directly to the skin. Some also add it to bathwater to create a spa-like experience before hitting the hay. YlangYlang is thought to help with insomnia, helping to create a more restful night’s sleep.


The aroma of bergamot oil is sweet and citrusy, with a hint of spice, making it highly aromatic and pleasant to smell. Its calming and sedative properties make it great for relaxation, reducing stress, and improving overall sleep quality. It is known to have calming effects on the nervous system, making it a great choice for those looking to slow down and relax.

It also increases delta waves in the brain, leading to a deeply restful sleep. Bergamot is a great choice for the bedroom, even when diffused or inhaled throughout the day, as the aroma can remain long after the diffuser has been turned off. 


The scent of frankincense has a grounding aroma, making it perfect for winding down before bed. The sweet, woody scent of this resin is warm and inviting, allowing the user to drift off into a restful sleep. The aroma is also known for its medicinal benefits, including its ability to help reduce inflammation and skin redness, as well as boost spirituality and focus.


Its fruity, earthy notes act as an aphrodisiac and an antidepressant, which can help you relax and drift off into a peaceful slumber. It can also help to reduce night sweats and nightmares. Patchouli is widely used in aromatherapy and has been found to be effective in calming the senses and inducing a sense of calm. Additionally, its sweet, deep fragrance has been used to assist in meditation, which can also help you get to sleep faster. 

Clary Sage

Its sweet, herbaceous aroma carries with it calming and uplifting properties, making it an ideal companion for bedtime. Clary sage contains many natural chemicals that have been used for centuries to aid sleep, including linalyl acetate and linalool, which create a feeling of relaxation by calming and soothing the nerves.

Additionally, studies have shown that clary sage can reduce the activity of cortisol – otherwise known as the ‘stress hormone’ – resulting in improved sleep quality. 


The scent of vetiver is very grounding and calming and is thought to be one of the best scents for sleep. It has a sweet, earthy aroma that is known to help improve relaxation and even reduce insomnia. It helps to block out noise. Vetiver can also be helpful in reducing headaches and nightmares. In addition, it has been known to help people stay asleep longer and sleep more deeply.

 For a peaceful environment and a restful night’s sleep, click for oil diffuser sticks in these scents to aid in relaxation.

Choosing The Best Scents

Overall, the best scents for sleep are lavender, chamomile, and vanilla. They help us relax and induce sleep naturally. Try diffusing these scents in your bedroom for a closer connection to tranquility and peaceful rest. If you struggle with sleeping, try these scents today and enjoy the benefits of a good night’s sleep!

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