The Parent’s Guide to Planning an Epic Family Game Night

The pressure of the Covid-19 lockdown seems to be getting to everyone. After all, who can blame you for feeling overwhelmed? The restrictions and the uncertainty can be a lot to handle.

As such, a growing number of families are taking the opportunity to schedule some well-needed family bonding time. And what better way to make the most of your time together than with a fun and entertaining family game night? However, to make the most of the occasion, planning ahead is essential.

Given that, we’ve put together a guide on how to plan the perfect family game night. Keep reading to learn more!

Choose the Right Game

When parents plan an epic family game night, one of the most important things is to choose the right game. Not all games are appropriate for all age groups or interests. Make sure the game is appropriate for everyone.

Consider the ages of players as well as the interests of those playing. A game that is too hard or too easy can be less than enjoyable for everyone involved.

Research the playing time of various family games. Know how quickly or slowly it should be played. Learn how much strategy and luck are involved in playing.

Consider both cooperative and competitive games for different purposes. While card and board games are classics, there are a seemingly endless number of games on the market these days. Finding the right game can lead to an enjoyable night for everyone.

Plan Your Time

Planning an epic family game night requires thoughtful consideration of the amount of time needed for the event. Gatherings with family and friends can quickly become chaotic. Remember that it is essential to set a timeline for the event that is achievable and reasonable.

Start by allotting two hours for game playing. But also keep the clean up and early departure in mind. Set a start time and plan for at least one hour before the game night to prepare snacks and drinks. Encourage everyone to arrive on time.

Have an extra hour for people to linger if time allows. Make sure to tell your guests when the game night will end to give everyone the courtesy of knowing when to begin to wind down.

Lastly, set a strict midnight curfew. This is a good idea to ensure game night ends on a high note.

Create an Ambiance

An epic family game night isn’t complete without creating the perfect atmosphere. Choose an interesting spot to play.

To make it even more inviting, dim the lights and bring out some candles or string lights. Prepare comfy pillows or bean bags for a cozy setup.

Gather the family around a table, and have everyone contribute ideas for the games and rules. Discuss about different relationships each family member has with each other, including things like the fun uncle-nephew dynamic or the special sisterly bond. 

Get some upbeat music going to lift up the mood and add to the excitement. Make sure everyone is present and settled before announcing the rules.

Plan a Family Game Night Today

Family game night can be a great way to build relationships, have fun, and strengthen family ties. Gathering the entire family to share laughs, joy, and special moments together can have lasting memories for everyone.

Give it a try! Make family game night part of your family’s culture and watch the relationships build!

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