No Paper? Pack Your Dishes for a Move With These Alternatives

We’ve all done it. And you’ve only got away with it once, maybe twice. But you know deep down, you’ll never pack fragile and valuable items in the newspaper again.

You know you should be using proper packing materials. You know the hard-won lessons you’ve learned the hard way.

Don’t cringe. You can learn! With these experts’ tips, you too can learn how to pack dishes for moving without paper without putting them in danger.

We promise you can box up your long-held china and fragile dinnerware and move with confidence. Keep reading!

How to Pack Dishes for Moving Without Paper?

Packing dishes for a move without using paper can be done using other materials. Here are some alternatives to packing paper for moving:

Bubble Wrap

Bubble wrap for moving is an excellent alternative to paper. It provides cushioning and protection against impact during the move.

Packing Peanuts

Packing peanuts can fill in empty spaces in boxes. It provides extra cushioning and prevents dishes from shifting.

Clothing or Linens

Use clothing, towels, or linens to wrap dishes individually or provide additional padding within boxes.

Plastic Wrap or Plastic Bags

Plastic wrap or plastic bags can be used to wrap individual dishes or small stacks of dishes, providing a protective layer.

Packing Steps

Packing dishes for moving without paper can be done in a few simple steps:

Clean Dishes

Ensure all dishes are clean and dry before packing to prevent any residue or mold growth during transit.

Bundle Fragile Items

For delicate dishes, like glassware or ceramics, bundle them together using bubble wrap. Start by placing a layer of bubble wrap on a flat surface, then place one dish in a corner and roll it up tightly. Add more dishes to the bundle as you roll.

Stacking Order

Heavier items should be placed at the bottom of the box, with lighter items on top. After the first layer of dishes, add another layer of cushioning (packing peanuts, foam, or crumpled cloth). Avoid overpacking boxes, as this could lead to breakage.

Seal Boxes Securely

Close and seal boxes with packing tape to prevent them from accidentally opening during the move. Label the box as “Fragile – Dishes” or use similar labeling to ensure careful handling.

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Prepping and Packing Techniques Matters

Packing dishes for moving doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By following this guide on how to pack dishes for moving without paper, you can prevent breakage and have a successful move. With careful planning, diligent packing, and trusted packing materials, moving dishes is much less taxing.

Moving dishes safely takes extra care and preparation, but the effort will pay off! Don’t forget to label each box as it’s packed to help streamline the unpacking process. Good luck with your move!

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