How to Make a Positive Difference on Friends or Family in Prison

Confinement in a prison cell is a bad enough experience, to begin with. But imagine enduring an extended stay in prison and not receiving any support from the outside world.

Imprisoned individuals often lack a supportive community and network of loved ones. This leaves them feeling even more alone and hopeless.

You can imagine your incarcerated friend or family member’s shock when you show up at their prison with flowers and a smile on your face. This small, thoughtful gesture can make all the difference in pushing them toward rehabilitation.

Let’s take a closer look at other ways you can make a positive difference in your loved one’s life.

Stay In Contact

Staying in contact with loved ones who are prison inmates can make a positive difference in their lives. It shows that you care and understand what they are going through.

Not only does it bring comfort to them, but it also helps keep them connected to the outside world. You can call, write, email, or Skype with them. This can help create an emotional connection and provide an opportunity to support prisoners.

Additionally, staying in contact can create expectations for the future. This will remind them of the potential for better and provide incentives to stay on the path of making positive changes. 

Show Understanding

Even though we do not know what it is like to be in prison, it is essential to try to understand the difficult circumstances your loved one is going through. Showing understanding can take on many forms. This includes listening, remaining nonjudgmental, not passing any remarks that devalue them, empathy for their situation, and not placing any expectations on them. 

Provide Support

Offering college courses for prisoners allows them to develop skills and education that support them while inside. This will help their transition outside when they are released.

This will also boost their self-worth and open up the potential for gainful employment after serving their sentence. 

Advocate for Change

This could include attending meetings with your incarcerated friend or family member’s lawyers, writing letters to prison officials, and joining advocacy organizations that work on criminal justice reform.

While it may be a slow process, it is one of the most powerful and effective methods of advocating for reform and championing improved conditions behind bars. 

Get Involved

Donations to prison organizations or programs are a great way to show support. Many of these organizations provide help to inmates in many forms.

Finally, supporting your loved ones while in prison can also make a huge difference in their lives. Getting involved is the most important way to make a positive difference.

Create a Positive Difference to Those People Behind Bars

Making a positive difference in someone’s life in prison is rewarding. It takes patience, a willingness to understand, and the ability to offer support. Show friends and family in prison that you care for them and support their rehabilitation journey.

Commit and be an active advocate to foster lasting positive change. Your commitment may be the spark they need to turn their lives around! 

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