How to Clean Grout That Has Turned Black

The grout on your floors is supposed to be kind of off-white or light gray, right? You or your housekeeping crew do a good job of keeping them lift-free and looking new, or a light stone color anyway.

And then it happens. The grout starts turning black. How do you clean it once that transformation has happened?

Well, read on to find out. We’ve got advice based on first-hand experience on how to clean grout that has turned black and get back to its original color once more.

Use a Soft Brush With a Mild Detergent

This is important because using a hard-bristled brush and harsh chemicals can cause harm to the grout, making it easier to spread dirt and grime. Before you begin to scrub, make sure to prepare the surface of the grout with a pre-spray cleaner that will help to break down dirt and debris build-up. Once it is sprayed, use a soft brush to scrub the surface, using detergent and warm water to help remove grout residue. 

Making an Oxygenated Bleach Mixture

To make this powerful deep cleaning agent, mix together one part hydrogen peroxide and two parts baking soda. Hydrogen peroxide is a colorless liquid that is a mild antiseptic, while baking soda is a mild, white powder. This oxygenated bleach is an effective cleaning agent and an environmentally friendly option.

When mixed, the hydrogen peroxide releases oxygen, and it creates a reaction with the baking soda which acts as a surfactant, producing carbon dioxide bubbles that can help break up tough dirt and grime on the grout. You can also add a few drops of liquid dish detergent to the mix for an extra cleaning power boost. Always test the mixture on a small, inconspicuous area of the grout first.

Apply an Enzyme-Based Cleaner

If grout has become discolored or black due to mold and mildew, an enzyme-based cleaner can be used to break down the mold and mildew and restore the grout back to its original color. Begin by prepping the area by removing any excess dirt or debris from the area.

Then, apply the enzyme-based cleaner to the discolored grout. Let the cleaner sit for the recommended time, which is usually 10 to 15 minutes. During this time, the cleaner will break down the mold and mildew, which can help restore the original color of the grout. 

Apply a Grout Sealer After Cleaning

Grout sealers are designed to penetrate deep into the grout’s pores, creating a durable layer of protection that repels dirt, stains, and moisture. Simply sprayed onto the grout lines or worked in with a small brush.

This extra layer of protection is especially beneficial for used areas such as the kitchen and bathroom, helping to keep the grout clean and the space looking great. For more guidance on grout cleaning or help tackling larger cleaning projects, you can get help from the pros or look into websites like It’s best to leave the harder tasks to the pros.

Learn How to Clean Grout That Has Turned Black

Treating and cleaning blackened grout does not have to be complicated or time-consuming. With a few simple steps, you can restore your grout to its original sparkle.

With the right home cleaning solutions, elbow grease, and a bit of patience, your grout will look new in no time. Act now and get started on learning how to clean grout that has turned black!

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