Does a High Functioning Addict Really Exist?

Did you know that over 20 million Americans suffer from substance abuse issues? From getting arrested for stealing to impairment at work or during family functions, a drug addict can cause an immense amount of damage to a loved one.

No matter what  types of addiction an individual abuses, it can pose serious risks affecting their lives.

How do you identify if a high functioning addict exists in your circle? If you think you or someone you love suffers from drug abuse and are confused if they’re high functioning, you are not alone.

Here’s how to tell if someone is an addict, even if they’re a high functioning one. 

The Telltale Signs of An Addict

There’s a lot of debate surrounding the term “high functioning addict.” Some people believe such a thing doesn’t exist, while others think it’s a genuine and dangerous phenomenon.

Just because someone can maintain a job or a relationship doesn’t mean they’re not distressed from addiction. It can be even more challenging for them to get help because they’re often in denial about their problems.

Most addicts may be able to hold down a job, keep up with their responsibilities and hide their addiction. Still, there are usually signs that something is not right.

They may be secretive, lie, make excuses, and withdraw from friends and family. High functioning addicts may also display signs of irritability and moodiness.

Additionally, they may also struggle with financial problems and legal issues. If you see these signs in someone you know, it is essential to get them help.

The Myths About High Functioning Addicts

It is often assumed that high functioning addicts are successful individuals who successfully manage their addiction. The most common myth is that these addicts are successful and have it all together.

The reality is that many of them are successful in their careers. Still, their personal lives are often in chaos. They may have difficulty maintaining healthy relationships and may struggle with addiction.

Additionally, high functioning addicts may more likely suffer from mental health problems like anxiety and depression. They may be able to keep up appearances for a while, but the addiction will take its toll eventually.

When to Seek Medical Assistance

There are many addiction treatment resources available to help. There are treatment centers specializing in addiction, and there are many 12-step programs that can provide support.

If you are worried that you or your loved one’s use of alcohol or drugs is starting to impact your job, school, or relationships, it may be time to seek medical assistance. 

Talk to your doctor or a counselor about your concerns and get started on the road to recovery. Click here for more details on the best addiction recovery center to help you get started.

Identify the Symptoms And Seek Intervention Immediately

Every addict is unique, and therefore, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. However, a high functioning addict are not always easy to spot. Often, they are high achievers who have successful careers and families.

But despite their accomplishments, they continue to abuse drugs or alcohol. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, getting professional help is essential.

To learn more amazing tips and advice, check out other articles on our blog for all your needs!

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