A Guide to the Different Types of Montessori Toys

It’s no wonder the centuries-old method of Montessori teaching is thought to be the most influential school in the world. Montessori toys are designed to help stimulate development and senses while providing the freedom of independent play.

With so many toy options available, it can be difficult to determine which types of toys are right for your kiddo. From creative toys to sensory toys, we’ve rounded up our favorite types of Montessori toys. Let us help make buying toys for your child fun again.

Wooden Building Sets for Kids

Wooden building sets are a great choice for your child. Wooden toys are durable and can be used for many years. They’re easy to clean, which means that you won’t have to worry about bacteria and dust. Find building block toys and more creative block sets here.

Wooden building sets also come in different styles and sizes. This gives kids a ton of freedom to be creative and use their imagination.

Wooden toys come from sustainable materials like wood. This means they’re better for the environment than plastic toys. They are also an excellent choice if you want something that will last long enough for siblings as well.

Colorful Sensory Toys

Colorful sensory toys are a great way to encourage visual and auditory stimulation in young children. They can also help with language, fine motor skills, social skills, and emotional development. Colorful sensory toys include blocks, clay, and colorful letters or numbers.

Montessori Construction Toys

Montessori construction toys are usually made of wood and natural materials. They’re also simple in design and meant for constructive play. You’ll find that Montessori construction toys can combine with other toys to create new structures or patterns. Think of building blocks used as pretend food in a market.

While your little one may think they are building a house, you’ll know they are also learning math, reasoning, and more. These types of toys will help your child learn about geometry, engineering, and physics. Learning through independent play is one of the core basics of a Montessori education

Sensory Motor Toys

Sensory Motor Toys are a great way to engage your child’s senses and help them learn through play. They come in many different materials, including wood, cloth, or plastic.

Some sensory motor toys are also made from materials found in nature. Kids can play in sensory boxes made from water, sand, rocks, and mud.

Geometric Shapes

Geometric toys are great for getting kids creativity flowing. They are used for puzzles, building, and as objects in imaginary play. What may look like a wooden triangle block becomes the roof of a house or a slice of pretend pizza.

Montessori Toys Are for More Than Just Play

Montessori toys are a great way to introduce your child to the world around them. They help develop their senses and motor skills while also giving them something fun and educational to play with. There are many different types of Montessori toys, but we hope this guide will help you find one that fits your child’s needs best.

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