A Brief Kitchen Deep Cleaning Checklist for Homeowners

Your kitchen is the heart of your home. It’s where you prepare meals and meals worth celebrating.

However, deep in your kitchen, some nooks and crannies need some attention and probably deserve a hearty cleaning. That’s why, every once in a while, it pays to walk every inch of your kitchen and make a thorough checklist. 

We want to help you get a head start. Keep reading for our brief kitchen deep cleaning checklist to make the cleaning process a little easier. 

Clear Out and Organize Drawers and Cupboards

To start, you should empty drawers and cupboards to properly assess shelf and storage space. This is the time to get rid of old items, such as broken kitchen gadgets, expired spices, expired canned goods, or anything else that can be thrown away.

After the drawers and cabinets are emptied, you should wipe them down with a disinfectant solution. You should also wipe down the items that you brought out.

Once you have cleaned everything, it is time to reorganize everything according to use. For example, you should place everyday items such as pots, pans, and utensils in the most accessible places. 

Wash and Sanitize All Appliances Inside and Out

Start by cleaning off any food spills you see and wiping off outer surfaces with an all-purpose cleaner. Next, remove contents and shelves from your refrigerator and clean it out, including the freezer.

For ovens, use a specially formulated oven cleaner to clean out the burners and racks. Then, microwave ovens should be scrubbed, as well as all the seams and crevices for dirt and other particles.

Finally, blenders and food processors should be disassembled and washed with hot soapy water. Afterward, sanitize all surfaces with a clean cloth and an appropriate sanitizing agent. 

Sweep and Mop the Floors

Begin by using a broom to remove any dirt and debris from the floor. Pay extra attention to corners and crevices where dirt can accumulate.

Then, use a mop to lift any remaining dirt and wash away dirt and grime from the floor. If you’re using a traditional mop, apply a clean floor cleaning agent to the mop head first and then keep the mop head wet with clean water while mopping. Alternatively, you can use a steam mop, which is an excellent choice for deep cleaning and disinfecting floors. 

Clean the Exhaust System

When cleaning the exhaust system, start with loosening and removing the hood fan filter. Next, vacuum or wipe down any dirt or greases in the hood. Then move on to cleaning the exhaust ducts with a degreasing kitchen cleaner and scrubber.

Make sure to wear appropriate gloves if dealing with a heavy grease build-up. Lastly, mop the exhaust fan interior with an all-purpose kitchen cleaner. 

If this last task proves to be hard, remember that you can always enlist the help of professional cleaners from cleaning services like https://goldenmaidservices.com/house-cleaning-services-franklin-wi/. They will help ensure that you end up with a clean kitchen at an affordable price.

Start Ticking of Items from This Kitchen Deep Cleaning Checklist

Deep cleaning your kitchen can be a tedious and overwhelming task. But by utilizing this checklist, you can easily break down and manage different tasks to effectively achieve a deep clean.

What are you waiting for? Use this kitchen deep cleaning checklist today to take the first step to a fresher, cleaner kitchen!

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