8 Common Art Displaying Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Can we all agree that no one is a perfect human being?

As humans, we all make lots of mistakes. Even when we do everything we can think of to do, somehow, our plans don’t always work out, right? And when it comes to a business, especially a creative business, you can make mistakes by not knowing a situation.

Well, have you ever thought that your art displaying mistakes could make your galleries not so good? Do you know some common art displaying mistakes that artists tend to make and how to avoid them?

Well, it’s time to know and to improve! Let’s learn more about them now.

1. Poor Lighting

When displaying artwork, poor lighting for art is a common mistake to avoid. Poor lighting can detract from the artwork, as it can lead to oversaturation of light, dull illumination, and different shadows.

To ensure your artwork is seen in the most attractive light possible, pick a lighting fixture that is bright enough and diffuse. Essentially, this means that the fixture should not be spotlights- instead, choose something with a direct light spread.

Also, use dimmers and more than one light to add more contrast and different layers of light. The key to displaying artwork is a harmonious balance between both the artwork and the lighting. When done right, this can create a nice, classy atmosphere that really lets the art stand out.

2. Incorrect Canvas

One of the most common art displaying mistakes is incorrect canvas selection. Choosing the wrong size and shape of canvas can ruin the look of the artwork and make it less effective.

When choosing a canvas, experienced artists often think about how big or small the artwork is. For example, a portrait or vertical painting works better on a taller or narrower canvas. At the same time, a landscape work looks better with a wide one.

To avoid this mistake, it is important to choose a canvas size as close as possible to the proportions of the artwork. In addition, take a look at the artwork’s theme and select a canvas material that will complement it in terms of the subject matter or color scheme.

Finally, it is important to keep the size of the room or wall in mind and choose a canvas that can fit the space. By following these tips, art lovers can prevent canvas-related art-displaying mistakes.

3. Improper Hanging Height

One of the most common art displaying mistakes is improper hanging height. When selecting the height from which to hang art, it is important to consider the size of the room and the type of art being displayed.

Try to ensure art is at eye level, which is usually around 58 inches from the floor. If hanging multiple pieces, picture heights should vary for visual interest. Another mistake is not leaving enough space between the art and the floor.

Art should generally hang 6-8 inches from the floor or higher if desired. It is also important to ensure the artwork is not obstructed by furniture or other pieces in the room.

4. Overcrowded Display

One of the common mistakes seen in art wall placement is overcrowding. This is when too many works of art are hung in the same room or wall, resulting in everything becoming overwhelming and chaotic.

To avoid overcrowding, it is important to identify the main focus of the display. Eg. a painting, sculpture, photo, etc., and stick to it. Once the main focus is selected, the remaining artwork should be chosen thoughtfully with an eye toward balance.

When hanging things, make sure each item has enough space around it to be seen. 

5. Inadequate Framing or Mounting

When it comes to art display, inadequate framing or mounting is one of the most common mistakes. Failing to utilize frames or mounts properly can lead to damages such as rips and tears caused by bending and stretching of the art piece.

Furthermore, it can also lead to dust and dirt buildup with a lack of protection. To avoid this, it’s essential to use the right type of frame for the artwork. Oftentimes, the art is too large for the frame as well, so it’s important to choose the correct size.

Additionally, art must be properly secured and mounted for extra protection. It’s important to use the right type of mounting methods for the specific media used for the piece to ensure it’s held properly. Utilizing proper materials and technique makes all the difference in the quality and longevity of the piece.

6. Lack of Context or Information

The lack of context or information in art display is one of the most common mistakes made. Not providing relevant facts, stories, or documentation about the artwork can leave viewers feeling unfulfilled and disengaged.

To avoid this mistake, always ensure to include the artist’s statements, enhanced descriptions, and additional information about the artwork. Whenever possible, provide additional information about the motivation, context, and history of the artwork. 

7. Ignoring the Surroundings

One of the most common mistakes made when displaying artwork is ignoring the surrounding environment. When displaying artwork, it is important to ensure that it is in an appropriate space that is conducive to highlighting its beauty and transmitting its message.

A great space can have a profound effect on how people perceive and interact with your artwork. Improper lighting or the wrong background colors can detract from the artwork and diminish its impact. When choosing a space for displaying artwork, consider the wall color, natural light, and size of the area. If possible, try to create a cohesive palette that complements the color of the artwork. 

8. Neglecting Maintenance

One common mistake when displaying art is neglecting maintenance. This includes making sure the lighting and temperature are constantly regulated and the artwork is protected from dust, dirt, and other particles.

Without proper maintenance, the artwork is prone to become damaged or faded from years of exposure. To avoid this, make sure to regularly dust and clean the pieces using a soft, dry cloth and ensure they are not hung near direct heat sources to avoid temperature fluctuations.

Avoid These Common Art Displaying Mistakes

Overall, it is important to consider all angles and details of an art display before setting out your pieces. This is to avoid these common art displaying mistakes.

Taking in material quality, lighting, crowd viewing, and sound can help to ensure your pieces are presented in the best possible way. 

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