7 New iPhone User Mistakes

The iPhone has been a popular smartphone choice for well over a decade. New iPhone users are emerging on the market every day.

While many iPhone users stick with the same model and previous generations, plenty of iOS device upgrades are still out there. New iPhones and alternative products like iPads affect user behavior every year.

Unless you’ve been an iPhone user since the beginning, you could be guilty of user mistakes. If you’re not a decade-long adopter, you can learn from these common errors so they never happen to you.

Read on to explore common new iPhone user mistakes that even advanced users fall victim to.

1. Not Understanding How to Download Apps

New iPhone users make various mistakes when it comes to downloading apps. One of the most common mistakes new iPhone users make is not understanding how to download apps. To download apps, you must go to the App Store and select an app you want.

You’ll then need to tap the “Get” button from the app detail page and confirm your selection. Once you’ve made the necessary selections, your app will begin downloading on your device, using the wrong iTunes store region, attempting to install an incompatible app, and choosing the wrong version when installing updates.

2. Not Utilizing Automated Backups

New iPhone users often make the mistake of not utilizing automated backups for their devices. One of the most popular reasons is the fear of their private information, such as contacts, messages, and photos being accessible on the cloud. However, automatically backing up your phone has some clear benefits.

With automated backups, if something were to happen to your phone, you would have a copy of all your essential information and data backed up, so you don’t have to start from scratch if the phone malfunctions. In addition, if you accidentally delete any data, you can recover it. Automatic backups will not only improve your security but also increase the life of your device.

3. Not Familiarizing the System

Failure to read user manuals is a common mistake for new iPhone users. This can lead to a lack of knowledge of certain features and the phone’s capabilities. As a result, users are less likely to take advantage of helpful features and settings.

Not updating the device’s software is also a new iPhone user mistake. This can introduce security vulnerabilities and lead to software crashes or worse. Finally, new iPhone users may make the mistake of not setting up the correct security measures.

This can open their phone to viruses, malware, and data theft. New iPhone users must take the time to properly read user manuals, update their software, and secure their devices to ensure an enjoyable and safe experience.

4. Ignoring Battery Life Limitations

Smartphone users know battery life is critical and should not be taken lightly. However, most new iPhone users do not understand how much battery their device can handle and how fast it will be drained. Overuse can cause the phone to overheat, leading to irreversible performance issues.

Powering the phone down too often can also reduce the overall battery capacity. Additionally, by not replacing the battery when needed, iPhone users may find that their device will not sustain a charge for long periods, resulting in an unfulfilled battery life expectancy. The critical takeaway is to be aware of your iPhone’s battery life capacity and be mindful of its use.

5. Not Utilizing the Cloud for Safe Keeping

The cloud is a great way to back up important personal data, documents, photos, and videos. It keeps them safe from unwanted access and malware. Not utilizing the cloud leaves your data vulnerable and at risk of being lost or stolen.

Additionally, the cloud can help you stay organized and easily access your data from any device as needed. To ensure you are taking advantage of the cloud’s many benefits, it is essential to turn on iCloud Storage and enable the automatic backup of your data so your information is always secure.

6. Not Enabling Security Features

New iPhone users can make some common mistakes when enabling iPhone security features. Here are some phone security measures to look out for:

Lock Screen

One of the most common mistakes is not setting a lock screen on the device. A lock screen is a basic form of security, as it keeps unauthorized users from accessing your data.


Another mistake iPhone users make is not using strong and secure passwords. Although opting for an easy-to-remember password may be tempting, this can leave your device vulnerable to hackers. Creating complex passwords with letters, numbers, and symbols can better protect your device.

The Whole Unit

In terms of securing your phone, it is not all about the system, you must also consider the safety of the physical aspect. To avoid any damage from outside and preserve your data in the system, you must get a high-quality iPhone case.

With that, you may want to know about these iPhone cases. There are different cases in different iPhone models that you can choose from, even ones that can protect when your phone is dropped on water.

7. Not Taking Advantage of the Features

Failing to take advantage of the features of the phone can make the experience even less enjoyable. Many of the iPhone’s features include:

  • Siri
  • 3D Touch
  • iCloud

There are other various customization options as well. All of which can make the experience much more optimized. Additionally, taking the time to learn how to use the other features such as folders and AssistiveTouch is essential for making sure the user gets the most out of their device.

One of the most important features that iPhone users are missing out on is Find My Phone. This feature utilizes the iPhone’s location services, allowing users to locate their device if it is lost or stolen. When enabled, users can track their phone’s location with accuracy, including access to a last known location if the device is off. 

Avoid New iPhone User Mistakes

If you’ve just purchased an iPhone, don’t forget to research the different features and settings available so you can make the most of your device. Avoid making these common new iPhone user mistakes, and ensure you take the necessary steps to keep your phone running optimally.

Don’t delay! Familiarize your device right away.

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