WebMD is one of the best medical websites online. Whether you’re looking for a quick WebMD diagnosis or even if you want to browse medical information sites for future reference, their platform is among the best. There are few sites like WebMD that are as mainstream and worthy of being used.
WebMD is a medical information site that was built by medical professionals. All of the health informational tips, conditions and news were provided by professionals in various health industries. With curated information about cancers, diseases and medical conditions of all types, you will easily be able to search for the information that you need.
However, it’s always good to consider finding information from numerous sources. Comparing medical information from as many sites like WebMD as possible is a great way to see what other health professionals have to say. However, there are many poor quality medical websites online and when it comes to your health, you should only trust information provided by true professionals. Our list below contains the best medical sites online with medical info that you can trust.
**You should never substitute self-diagnosis sites for actual visits to your health care professional. If you are experiencing odd or unusual symptoms, visit an emergency room immediately.**
Official SiteHealthline is one of the best WebMD alternatives on the internet. With one of the most complete databases of health information online, Healthline provides you with accurate and trustworthy information. You’ll quickly be able to find symptoms, treatments, causes and even pill information. Furthermore, Healthline makes it easy for you to find a doctor in your local area. Browse their medical information site now.
Official SiteDrugs.com is one of the best websites like WebMD if you’re looking for pill information or info about side effects. Drugs has one of the biggest databases of medical information regarding treatments of all kinds. You will be able to quickly find the information sheets for all sorts of medications so you can find out about side effects, dosages, overdose information and much more.
Mayo Clinic
Official SiteOne of the best medical advice sites online is Mayo Clinic. They have all sorts of useful health questions and answers. Furthermore, you can ask a doctor free of charge, health questions of all genres and receive a response within no time. Mayo Clinic also has an entire section dedicated to health professionals so you can find out about the latest clinical trials, studies, research papers and much more.
Official SiteMedlinePlus is one of the best medical sites like WebMD which is government owned and operated. This makes the information highly trustworthy. You can browse all sorts of health topics, find product information sheets, watch medical videos and much more. MedlinePlus is one of the few medical help sites that you will want to add to your bookmarks.
Official SitePatient.info is another excellent to ask a doctor online questions regarding drugs, diseases, symptoms, side effects, pain and more. One of the really great things about Patient is that you can search for information by symptoms that you are experiencing. Furthermore, you can use their Symptom Checker tool to narrow down the possible illnesses that you may be experiencing.
MedicineNet brings you information that will keep you busy for hours every time you return. They have all sorts of healthy recipes, quizzes, images and more. Along with being a fun to browse medical information website, MedicineNet also has symptom checking tools and medication information details. Browse MedicineNet right now and we guarantee you’ll find tons of useful information!
Official SiteMedscape is one of the best sites like WebMD that is dedicated to medical doctors only. The information on this website contains recent clinical trials, research papers performed by other health care professionals and all of the latest news in the medical world. If you work in the health care industry, you will definitely want to glance at Medscape on a regular basis.