Did you know that Canada’s northerly location is affecting our vitamin levels? One study showed that increasing vitamin D intake should be considered a public health priority.
Getting the micronutrients we need from our diet is not always easy. Signs of vitamin deficiencies may often be confused for other conditions. Topping up your vitamin levels may give your health and wellbeing a much-needed boost.
Let’s take a look at the symptoms of vitamin deficiencies so you can decide if you need a little supplementation.
Common Symptoms of Vitamin Deficiencies
The most common symptom of a vitamin deficiency is fatigue.
Fatigue can have many causes, from stress and lack of sleep to allergies and serious medical conditions. If you’re tired all the time, work with your doctor to find the root cause.
One cause may be anemia, which results from a lack of iron. Low levels of vitamin B12 and vitamin D may also cause fatigue.
Vitamin B12 helps the body to produce red blood cells. They in turn distribute oxygen to our cells, helping to keep us vital and energetic. B12 levels may drop in vegetarians and vegans, as they don’t eat meat or dairy.
Vitamin D is a unique vitamin. It’s the only one the body produces when your skin is exposed to the sun. There aren’t many sources of it in our diet, with most of us not consuming enough tuna, salmon, and milk to get what we need.
That’s why many people turn to supplements and infusions. Discover more about how they can put the spring back in your step if you’re low on essential micronutrients.
Hair Loss
Have you noticed that your hair is getting thinner or breaking more easily? This could be a sign of an iron deficiency. Without iron, hemoglobin production is reduced. The supply of nutrients and oxygen to the hair follicles diminishes.
Talk to your doctor, as there may be an underlying medical condition causing your body to be low on iron.
Vitamin D, zinc, and selenium are also vital for hair growth. If you are deficient in any of these micronutrients, you may lose hair not just on your head, but from other parts of the body, too.
Wounds Slow to Heal
Do you find cuts take a long time to heal? Or do your gums bleed in spite of good oral hygiene habits? You may be low on vitamin C.
If you check out this dentist in Jefferson City, they will tell you that if you have vitamin C deficiency, you’re more likely to get periodontal diseases. So, if you’re experiencing gum problems, one of the possible reasons is you’re not getting enough vitamin C.
Smoking makes it hard for your body to absorb vitamin C, so it’s good to quit right now!
Yellow Tinge to Skin
We may associate yellow skin with jaundice, but vitamin deficiencies may be the real culprit, especially vitamin B deficiencies. Low levels of vitamin B12 can also cause mouth ulcers, depression, changes in your mental abilities, and a sore tongue.
Dealing with Vitamin Deficiency Symptoms
If you have symptoms of vitamin deficiencies, talk to your doctor. They can order a blood test to find out what’s going on. They can recommend a course of treatment that will get you back to optimal levels and should reduce your symptoms.
For more insights on maintaining great health, check out our Nutrition section today!