What is workers’ compensation?
This is a question that a lot of employees are forced to ask after an on-the-job injury. If you’re unable to perform your duties because of this injury, you might be forced to file a claim in order to cover your lost wages and your medical bills. However, if you’ve never done it before, applying for workers’ comp can be a bit confusing.
Finding out if you’re eligible and what you need to provide to apply are common concerns for people filing for workers’ comp. Today, we’ll go over some of these questions and help you understand how this process usually goes. It’s better to go into it well-informed and prepared to fight for what you deserve.
What Is Workers’ Compensation?
Workers’ comp is a program that helps employees and employers keep financial stability in the event of an injury at the workplace. Depending on the severity of an injury, workers’ comp might help with medical bills and the loss of wages during the recovery period when the employee is off work.
It helps employers by protecting them from the financial devastation they might incur during the fallout of an employee being injured. Companies pay into the insurance policy that then helps the injured employees.
What Is Covered?
Workers’ comp covers things like lost wages, medical bills, ongoing injury costs (physical therapy, etc.), and even funeral costs if the employee passes away. The situation that led to the injury is always reviewed during the claims process and you’ll be assessed by a workers’ comp doctor that you and your employer agree upon.
If you need help finding a workers’ comp doctor, Google “workers comp doctor near me” and look at reviews and testimonials to ensure that they’re reputable.
What Isn’t Covered?
As stated previously, what is covered depends on the situation that gave rise to the injury. Here are examples of what wouldn’t be covered:
- Injuries that result from a fight that the applicant started
- Any injuries sustained as a result of intoxication at the workplace
- Intentionally sustained injuries
- Emotional injuries (this is in a transitional phase for workers’ comp)
- Injuries sustained during a violation of company policy
Filing Your Claim
When you’re injured on the job, get whatever treatment is necessary to ensure your safety. Then, report the injury to your direct superior and they’ll begin the claim process.
It’s always good practice to file the claim as soon as you can after the incident. The longer you wait, the less likely you are to be approved. You need to provide your employer with your personal info and fill out whatever paperwork they give you from your state’s workers’ comp board.
The paperwork will likely include a detailed report about the incident, as well as a medical report from your workers’ comp doctors. Your employer will then file the claim and you’ll find out soon if you’ve been approved.
Get the Compensation You Need
Now that we’ve answered the question, “what is workers’ compensation”, you’ll be prepared for injuries that may occur at your workplace. It’s important that your employer pays into workers’ comp insurance, so make sure to ask your boss about it before an injury occurs.
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