Fluoride, a chemical typically added to municipal drinking water, has been linked to certain cancers. Harvard has even linked it to reduced IQ and brain damage in children. Bottled water also poses a threat when considering most bottled water comes from a tap too.
There are many filters that can take fluoride, along with many other contaminants, out of your drinking water. Among the best are the ones that produce RO water. You might be wondering “what is RO water?”
Well, get comfortable and read on while we explain.
What Is RO Water?
RO stands for reverse osmosis, a process to filter water and remove most contaminants and toxins. This is done by feeding the water through different membranes (more on that in a minute) and different sized filters. The end product is pure filtered water that tastes great.
Reverse Osmosis Process
The reverse osmosis process is pressure-driven water being forced through a membrane. This membrane is usually made from a non-porous polymeric film, with porous support layers. The small holes in this membrane allow water molecules to pass through while removing viruses, toxins, bacteria, and other contaminants.
This creates the permeate stream, or the clean water that’s ready to drink. This also creates a second stream of concentrate flow, or the contaminated stream.
Depending on the system, the concentrate flow is either drained away or redirected to a second or even third membrane to process again.
Why You Should Consider a RO System
If you weren’t convinced to get a system before, here are a few more reasons to consider it. RO systems, like Filtap offers here, are relatively cheap to install. They are also easy to maintain, as you only have to change filters about once a year on average.
A good RO system will have a low impact on your energy bill and will help save you money on monthly water bills too. It will also save money on future plumbing bills. This is because municipal water is treated with chlorine and sodium fluoride, and it can cause the pipes in your home to rust or corrode.
If you like to garden, RO water can help you grow healthier plants. Aquarium owners also note that RO water keeps their fish happier and healthier.
Since RO filters out the chlorine taste, you also get better-tasting water, giving you another reason to drink your eight daily glasses.
Where to Learn More
So what is RO water? It’s a great option for safer, purified water for your whole home. If you’re worried about the chemicals in the water you get from your city, or an old well, RO could be an affordable solution.
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