Did you know that there are 1.4 million hospice care patients? Are you considering hospice care for a loved one?
In this article, you’ll discover what is hospice care and what are its purposes. Read on to discover why hospice care is chosen and why it’s beneficial for those who need it.
What Is Hospice Care?
Hospice care such as at Cardinal Hospice, is medical care to help someone who has a terminal illness to help maintain their quality of life. Hospice is normally for patients who have 6 months or less to live or their health or ability to perform activities is rapidly declining.
Hospice care isn’t just about physical needs, but addressing their spiritual and emotional needs as well. There are different approaches to hospice care, but certain requirements must be met. It’s not about curing the underlying issue but to give your loved one the highest quality of life possible.
Many who receive hospice programs have cancer, but there are a variety of conditions such as kidney failure, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), dementia, and heart disease.
Those involved in hospice care are pharmacists, volunteers, bereavement counselors, doctors, nurses, home health aides, spiritual counselors, social workers, and many other professionals.
Home care
Most hospice care is provided in the home, but there are times when it’s needed in an extended-care facility or hospital. Whether you or your loved one needs home care or extended-stay care, hospice will provide these services.
Respite Care
Some hospice care offers what’s called respite care. This gives friends and families time away from caregiving to take care of things in their daily routine or go on vacation.
Bereavement Care
Mourning the loss of a loved one is one of the most difficult things to do. Hospice care teams are specially trained to work with loved ones and help them through their time of loss. It could be a clergy member, professional counselor, or trained volunteer.
How Is It Financed?
Private insurance, the Department of Veterans Affairs, Medicaid, and Medicare normally pay for hospice programs. If financing is a problem, you can speak with hospice programs about payment options.
Choosing a Program
When choosing a program there are certain qualifications and qualities you’ll want to look for. Is there an established pharmacist who helps adjust medications as needed? Check to see what services are offered to the family and if any respite care is available. Find out of the hospice costs are covered by insurance.
See if residential hospice is an option. You’ll also want to find out if they’re Medicare-certified and who is part of the team. You can also ask how long it takes to get accepted into the hospice care program.
Finding out What Is Hospice Care and What Are Its Purposes
Now the answer to what is hospice care and what are its purposes have been answered, you can decide if a hospice program is right for you or your loved one. Would you like to find out more about other health questions and information? Check out our other articles.