Have you recently undergone spinal fusion surgery and are suffering from permanent restrictions?
This is something lots of people go through every year, although not everyone knows it. The procedures need intense care to start with and proper healing.
Are you curious as to what the permanent restrictions after spinal fusion are? If so, then read on.
High-Impact Activities
One of the primary restrictions after spinal surgery is the need to avoid high-impact activities. These activities include jumping, running, and activities that involve sudden and forceful movements. Engaging in high-impact activities can increase the risk of injury to your fused spine and adjacent areas.
Lifting Heavy Objects
Lifting heavy objects is another activity you should permanently restrict after spinal surgery. Your spine is no longer as flexible as it used to be. As such, lifting heavy weights can put excessive strain on it.
To prevent complications and ensure a smooth recovery, always be cautious when lifting anything heavy. If you need to move heavy objects, consider using proper lifting techniques. As much as possible, ask for assistance.
Twisting and Bending
Twisting and bending at the waist can be problematic after spinal fusion surgery. Your spine’s ability to twist and bend has been severely limited due to the fusion. Forcing it to do so can cause damage.
When you need to pick up an item from the ground or turn your body, remember to do so with caution. Instead of twisting at your waist, try to pivot your whole body to reduce the stress on your spine.
Prolonged Sitting or Standing
Prolonged sitting or standing can also be a challenge after spinal fusion surgery. Remaining in one position for an extended period can lead to discomfort and stiffness in your back.
To prevent this, it’s essential to practice good ergonomics. When sitting, use a chair with proper lumbar support, and take breaks to stand and stretch.
When standing, shift your weight from one leg to the other and use a footrest if needed. Maintaining good posture and changing positions can help ease discomfort.
Certain Daily Activities
Lastly, spinal fusion surgery may have a permanent impact on some of your daily activities. While many people can return to their regular routines, there may be some adjustments necessary.
For instance, you may need to change how you perform certain daily tasks. This could include cleaning, gardening, or even getting dressed.
Don’t hesitate to ask for help or use adaptive tools if needed. Prioritizing your spinal health is essential. Making small modifications to your daily activities can go a long way in ensuring your comfort and well-being. To prepare yourself, you can ask your surgeon what to expect 3 months after spinal fusion ahead of time.
Know the Permanent Restrictions After Spinal Fusion
All in all, you should understand the permanent restrictions after spinal fusion. Rely on your doctor’s advice to ensure a healthy recovery.
With the right amount of care and attention, you will reach full recovery. Take control of your future and listen to your body- it will tell you what you need to live a healthy, pain-free life.
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