A few short years ago, very few people would know what CBD is if you ask them. Even today, the effects of CBD and why you’d want to take it are somewhat mysterious.
People want help with the issues they’re dealing with, but there’s still so little known about how CBD works and what it helps with.
If you want to bring yourself up to speed on CBD and if it might help things you’re dealing with, we’re here to help. Continue reading this article to learn about the benefits of using CBD and more.
What Is CBD?
CBD is cannabidiol and is one of the active compounds in the Cannabis plant. You shouldn’t confuse CBD with THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) that has psychoactive properties. THC gets you “high”—not CBD.
CBD does have some of the same medical benefits that THC has but without the need to get “stoned.” Keep in mind that having THC in the CBD products you use might make it more effective and helpful to your health.
Before buying CBD that has THC, you need to make sure it is legal in your state. Buying a reputable brand like CBDanz will make sure that you’re getting the best CBD for your buck.
Keep in mind that some law officials might not understand the difference between CBD and THC, so it might be wise to leave your CBD bottles at home.
What Does CBD Help With?
There still is very little proof as to what CBD can do, but many people are sharing their stories about relief. There are some studies that show CBD helps with anxiety disorders, PTSD, addiction, and other mental health conditions.
Not only could CBD help with mental conditions, but it might help with physical conditions as well.
Some people swear by it for their arthritis pain as well as for treating epilepsy in children. There is even some research that says CBD can help with cancer and managing side effects from cancer.
What we do know for sure is that in some cases, CBD can relieve pain, but it is different for everyone. Depending on your pain, you might notice that it goes away altogether, or you might just notice that you have a little relief.
Another benefit that has teens and adults alike excited for CBD is the reduction of acne. While acne is believed to be due to things like genetics, underlying inflammation, bacteria, and producing too much sebum, there are signs that CBD can help.
Since CBD does have anti-inflammatory properties, it can help people’s fight against acne. Its ability to reduce sebum production is another reason why it might be helpful if you have acne.
How Does CBD Work?
Cannabinoids interact with the body and brain through the endocannabinoid system (ECS). While THC and other cannabinoids act directly on the receptor in the cannabinoid system, CBD acts a little differently.
CBD stimulates the ECS and has it produce its own cannabinoids. It also slows their breakdown by keeping the FAAH enzyme from going to work. Keep in mind that CBD is very complex, and the nature of how it works is still coming to light.
How Do You Take CBD?
Trying to figure out how to take CBD can be a stressor in itself, but there are some simple things to remember.
There are a lot of different ways to get CBD, and you have to figure out which one is going to work best for you. For instance, you can use creams and lotions to consume CBD, but some people find it difficult because of skin sensitivity or sensitivity to smells, so you might want to opt for another way.
Oil and tinctures are common, even though they usually don’t taste very good. If you gag a lot, you might want to try something else.
Capsules and pills are a good way to get CBD into your system quickly, but again—not good for gaggers.
Edibles are more fun for people and seem to be one of the easiest ways to consume CBD. Keep in mind that edibles oftentimes have a little bit of an after taste that might be annoying to some people.
Vaping is another way to take CBD, but the safety of vaping is still out.
How Much CBD Do You Take?
The best way to start out with CBD is to start taking a very small dosage. You might notice that you get the help you need from a very small dose of CBD.
If you are getting help with a small dosage, but you feel you need more, you can up it a little bit after a week or two. Low dosage starts are important because you don’t know how your body will react to CBD, and it is important that you stay as safe as possible.
If you change up how you take CBD, make sure you’re careful since you might have a different reaction to CBD oil vs. when you take CBD in pill form.
Understanding the Effects of CBD and More
Now you understand more about the effects of CBD and how it can help you with some of the problems you might be dealing with. The only way to really see if it is going to do what you need it to is to give it a try.
Understanding some of the basics is likely to give you more confidence as you’re making your decisions.
Do you want to know more about CBD and other health and wellness matters? Continue through our blog to get the information and help you need.