We’re more connected to the internet these days than ever before. Most people spend hours a day on one device or the other. With the adoption of remote work across many industries, the time we spend online is only likely to increase.
If you’re already spending a lot of time online, you know the last thing you want to experience is a slow internet connection. There’s nothing more frustrating than a laggy web experience, especially when you’re trying to get something important done.
If you’re trying to avoid internet issues, what should you try and stay away from? What are the causes of internet problems and what might you be able to do to fix them? Read on and we’ll walk you through the basics.
Blocked WiFi Signals
If you’re worried about a slow internet connection, the solution might be as simple as checking the physical proximity around your router.
One of the most common reasons that internet connections get slow is that various obstructions block the way between your router and your device. While wireless internet connection does not need a direct connection, wireless signal can still be degraded by physical obstructions.
If you can keep as clear of a path as possible between your router and your devices, you’ll have better internet reception as a result. If you are covering a lot of space in your home or business, you may want to keep your router in the middle of the property.
You should also try to keep your wireless router out in the open, as opposed to hidden away in a cabinet or closet or any sort. Even the walls of these structures can severely diminish the strength of your system.
If you’re still struggling, investing in a WiFi extender of some sort can help to make a big difference when it comes to accessing high-speed internet. This kind of device can help to boost the signal and push through mild obstructions.
Bottlenecks on the Server
Another reason that internet connection might get slow is that your devices are overwhelming the capabilities of the server. There are numerous reasons why this might be occurring.
The most common? You have many people in your home trying to use the provided wireless connection at the same time. If you have tons of different users all trying to accomplish tasks that require a lot of bandwidth, it can bottleneck the server and create a serious slowdown.
For example, do you have one user trying to stream high-definition video while another is trying to download a massive file? That’s a sure-fire recipe for a bottleneck issue.
Even if you’re just operating alone, there’s a chance the way you are running your device is creating issues. It’s possible that your browser is running add-ons and plug-ins that are taking up a massive amount of bandwidth.
You also might be running off a corrupted browser. Downloading an update of the browser to ensure you’re using the latest version should clear up this issue.
Your Device Is Out of Date
The world of the web is constantly getting upgraded to keep up with the latest advances in tech. That means if you’re attempting to get online using outdated devices, you might be running into a number of speed issues.
In order to determine the source of the issue at hand, you might want to run a speed test on the devices you are experiencing problems with.
If your speed capabilities are low on these devices, it isn’t your internet connection as much as it might be the device itself. If your device is only able to handle a slower speed, that’s all you’ll end up with at the end of the day.
If you’re really suffering from slow web speeds, an upgrade to a new device might be necessary.
It doesn’t have to be your device, either. How old is the router and modem you are using to try to connect? If these devices are many years old, you may need an update in this department as well.
Most web and cable providers should provide you with a new router for free. If they don’t, it might be worth doing a quick search for “other internet providers in my area.”
Issues With Your Provider
Sometimes, even excellent providers run into service issues. If you’re experiencing slow internet, it might be worth checking and seeing if your provider is having outages in your area.
A quick look at their website should provide this sort of information, or you can give them a call at their customer service line.
If you are in an area that is experiencing an outage, it can be a few hours before your web access is back up and running at normal speeds. While this can be annoying, you can at least rest easy knowing that the issue is not something within your own home.
Once the outage is fixed, you should be able to resume at normal speeds with no reason to fear issues going forward.
Dealing With a Slow Internet Connection
No one likes having to suffer through slow internet, but running into a connection issue is a common part of living in the online world. The above are some of the common reasons for a slow internet connection. Understanding these reasons should help you to solve the issue when it arises.
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