Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) make up the foundation of society, and they’re what propels us into the future. It’s important to start kids young; with an early understanding and appreciation for STEM, they’ll be more likely to pick careers that advance us even further.
3rd grade definitely isn’t too young to start for STEM, although it may be a bit tougher getting these little ones to sit still and take all the information in. So here are the best STEM activities for 3rd graders to get them interested and engaged!
Paper Airplane Engineering
This is one of the easiest STEM lessons to do since all you need are different types of material and paper.
Have your students design and build paper airplanes by utilizing various materials and shapes. See which ones fly the farthest or stay in the air the longest.
This activity lets you teach your students about aerodynamics and engineering.
Pasta Bridge Building
Give your classroom a wide range of pasta and glue, then have them construct the strongest bridges possible. Everyone can gather around while each student props their bridge between two desks, then gradually add weight to it until it collapses.
This is another lesson in engineering, but it also teaches structural principles too.
Egg Drop Challenge
This is another relatively easy STEM lesson to teach. Get cartons of eggs and provide your students with materials such as straws, tape, and cotton. Have them come up with designs that’ll prevent the egg from breaking when you drop them from a certain height.
You can then all go outside and have a blast watching each design either conquer or be defeated by gravity. This can be an important lesson in physics and engineering.
Water Cycle in a Bag
We all know that water’s on the planet and that it evaporates, then comes back in the form of rain or snow. So this is an excellent STEM lesson that allows your students to see exactly how that happens.
Fill a plastic bag with water, seal it, and hang it in a sunny window. Your classroom can witness a mini water cycle in action as the water evaporates, condenses, and precipitates in the bag.
Seed Germination Experiment
For fun and educational STEM activities in elementary school, turn to plants. More specifically, provide your students with different types of seeds, and have them try and germinate them in various conditions. They can be different amounts of:
- Light
- Water
- Soil types
Give them journeys to jot down observations and record the growth and development of the seeds. Not only does this teach them some concepts of biology, but it also shows them the scientific method too. Plus, they have some live plants to take home and care for afterward.
If you need more ideas for STEM curriculum, cie.spacefoundation.org has many more STEM challenges waiting for you.
Try These STEM Activities for 3rd Graders
If you were looking for STEM activities for 3rd graders, then these should keep your classroom busy.
Whether it’s designing paper airplanes or germinating seeds, your students will have a blast discovering the various STEM subjects available. And you never know; your class may be the reason why they become engineers and scientists in the future!
For more fun ideas in the classroom, keep reading our blog page.