The Science of Beauty Sleep: 3 Ways that a Good Night Sleep Impacts Your Appearance

You’ve heard about this little thing called beauty sleep, but do you actually know why it’s called that? There are many health benefits that you can reap when you get a restful night of rest like improved cognitive function and the proper functioning of your bodily systems, but getting enough quality sleep can also play a significant role in your overall appearance.

Here are some ways that a good night’s sleep can help you look your absolute best!

Helps Restore Your Skin

When you’re asleep, your body repairs itself from the stress and damage it experienced throughout the day, and your skin is no exception. Your skin takes this opportunity to produce collagen, which helps preserve your skin’s elasticity and firmness, while also improving the appearance of any fine lines and wrinkles. Sleep is also when your body’s hydration levels rebalance, leading to well-hydrated skin that looks more plump and youthful.

And if you’ve ever suffered from puffiness or dark circles in the morning, this is because a lack of sleep causes fluid retention and blood vessel dilation under your skin, but getting the recommended 7 to 8 hours of sleep can significantly reduce the appearance and prominence of these.

Helps Inflammatory Skin Concerns

Inflammation can cause a wide range of skin issues ranging from acne, eczema, psoriasis, premature signs of skin aging and much more, but getting some quality sleep regularly helps your body to regulate these inflammatory responses. When you’re busy snoozing, your body is actually working to reduce any redness, swelling and overall inflammation, which can help improve these skin conditions.

Furthermore, a good night’s sleep also contributes to a healthier skin barrier—the protective shield that staves off any environmental aggressors like pollution and UV radiation. In case you didn’t know, the skin barrier is crucial in maintaining a healthy and smooth complexion by preventing moisture loss and promoting skin resiliency. You’ll want to maintain the healthy functioning of this barrier as much as possible, and getting enough rest can help with that.

And while we all know that getting enough sleep is vital in keeping your stress levels low, these reduced stress levels can also help with skin conditions like acne breakouts, dryness and accelerated aging. While there are definitely more ways to manage your stress and reap these benefits anyway, getting enough sleep is a simple yet effective solution that seemingly has an endless list of benefits.

Help Improves Hair Health

Everyone wants to have beautiful and smooth hair, and sleep plays a massive role in that by maintaining the health of each strand. Staying up later than you should can increase the chances of excessive hair shedding, dullness, and dryness, while adequate sleep helps promote healthy hair growth. During sleep, your body also works to repair and strengthen your hair follicles so that you can wake up to healthier and shinier locks.

There’s pretty much no downside to spending a few more hours snoozing in bed at night, but it might not be as easy as it sounds, especially for those of you living in noisy or bright neighborhoods. To find items that will help you fall asleep more easily and comfortably, download the Temu mobile app today!

With over 29 categories and 250 subcategories to choose from, you’ll definitely find everything you need from sleeping masks and ear plugs to humidifiers and comfortable pajamas.

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