Addiction is an all-too-common problem in the United States. In 2009, over twenty million Americans needed professional treatment for a drug or alcohol addiction. Less than 3 million received it.
Drug recovery can be complicated, though. Each substance is different. They cause different effects, have different withdrawal symptoms, and can be treated in different ways.
Add to this the various underlying causes of addiction, and the idea of rehabilitation becomes far more complex. That’s why there are so many different types of rehab. We’ll talk about some of the different rehab treatments in the paragraphs below.
1. Outpatient Recovery
Outpatient recovery programs are controversial. Outpatient care offers many of the same programs as inpatient care, but the patient is able to go home at the end of the day.
Critics claim that this is a bad idea, because patients may not be able to stay sober when left to their own devices.
Proponents claim that it’s more of a question of money and lifestyle. Inpatient programs put life on hold while you recover, and some people may not want to do that. Plus, not everybody can afford inpatient treatment, and outpatient treatment is far more affordable.
Outpatient recovery can last anywhere from several weeks to a year. It’s longer than inpatient rehab but far less disruptive.
If you’re strong-willed, an outpatient rehab program may be right for you. It’s always best to consult your therapist and get a professional opinion.
2. Inpatient Recovery
Inpatient recovery is often more successful than outpatient recovery. It can also be shorter than outpatient rehab. Treatment in a rehab center lasts at least a month and can last three months, assuming there are no other issues.
The treatment at an inpatient center is more intensive and rigid, so the patient’s entire day is devoted to rehabilitation.
3. Sober Living/Halfway Houses
Sometimes, patients need more help than inpatient programs can provide. In this case, they often seek out other types of rehab, such as sober living facilities or halfway houses.
A person has usually gotten the drug out of their system by the time they go to a sober living facility. The condition of their environment often makes it more difficult to stay sober.
In some cases, the person may have grown up in a house with other addicts. Troubled upbringings are common among addicts. Plus, those in a family of addicts are likely predisposed to addiction.
Many addicts also deal with mental illness. In 2018, nearly 10 million Americans experienced drug addictions and mental illness. This is known as dual diagnosis or co-morbidity.
Poverty is another factor that can contribute to addiction, and poor education may play a role as well. There are also issues such as abuse and neglect, which may cause someone to use drugs in an effort to cope.
Explore the Different Types of Rehab
There are several different types of rehab, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. We’ve mentioned a few of these in the paragraphs above, but there are many more out there.
We encourage you to do more research on your own if you’re interested.
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