The Importance of Product Packaging

Did you know that at least 72% of shoppers base their shopping decisions solely on product packaging? Marketing and value go hand in hand and there are businesses that are giving up significant earnings by not noticing this fact. Customized packing becomes the face of your brand and it gives off a “valuable” impression.

Shoppers look for an experience when they buy certain products and that’s what makes the packaging you decide on so important.

We’re going to talk about the importance of what you ship your products in and you’d be surprised to find out just how much your business can scale with simple branding tactics like this.

So keep reading.

Product Packaging Can Increase Brand Recognition

Brands that show consistency often increase their sales by at least 33%, and consistency comes from brand awareness. Having a clever packaging design will, over time, start to resonate with your customer base as they will begin recognizing your products.

It only takes 50 milliseconds for consumers to judge a brand and within that time frame, you’ll want to make the best first impression you can.

You Can Drive Repeat Customers

When building a brand that you want to scale in the future, going over product design ideas should be at the top of your to-do list. Customized premium product packaging should be a part of what you offer.

The reason for that is that 52% of consumers are more likely to continue buying from you based on your packaging. This will allow you to increase your ROI and drive new customers who appreciate quality branding.

Enhance Your Social Media Presence

Social media marketing is an important tactic for efficient advertising. It allows you to reach customers outside your local area. Also, you don’t have to be an ecommerce business to use social media to your advantage.

Unique product packaging is a good way to establish your brand identity. Social media allows you to scale your audience, audience engagement, and product exposure.

The packaging you use can be customized to what your brand represents. That’s the start of what you need to make an impactful presence on social networks.

Create Protection for Your Products

This doesn’t just mean protection for your products during the shipping process. Customized packaging designs help protect the look and theme of your brand. The more your products are recognized by the public, the more popular they become.

This will deter others from reusing elements of your branding. This is also something that will allow consumers to associate your products with a certain design, message, or voice, and helps with that.

Growing Your Business Through Customization

When you apply customization to the way you market and ship your products, you’re creating a certain look for what you sell. Product packaging is as important as other aspects of your business and shouldn’t go unnoticed.

If you want to continue using valuable information to grow your business, keep reading our content.

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