Have you ever wondered how signals work on different devices and if they affect us in any way? Well, no need to second guess since we got that covered.
Signal processing involves removing or adding signals to or from a system. You can apply signal processing principles in sonar, radar, audio and a lot more.
It can appear confusing for beginners but knowing the fundamentals will help. Stay in tune to catch everything you need to know about signal processing.
Signal Types and How Signal Processing Works
There are several types of signals that are attenuated by different methods.
Amplitude modulation or AM is a type of signal that modulates the amplitude of a signal. It usually transmits information on a radio carrier signal. This is used in portable two-way radios, VHF plane radios and even on modems and computers.
Phase modulation carries phases of signals of communications transmission in an instant pattern. WiFi, GSM and satellite televisions use PM signals.
Time-division multiplexing (TDM) is another type of signal that is used in digital signals. TDM signals are transferred into “bitstreams” on a single communication line. These signals adjust and take over one another to send information.
There are many different types of signal processing, but the goal is always the same: to extract useful information from a signal. The processes are Acquisition, Transformation and Reconstruction. These types of signals are processed with the use of receivers and digital filters that manipulate and analyze signals.
Radiation and the EMF Spectrum
Radiation is the emission or transmission of energy in the form of waves or particles and can be present in signals. The electromagnetic spectrum, or EMF Spectrum, is the range of all possible levels of radiation from certain devices.
The types of radiation can be broadly classified into two types: ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation has enough energy to remove electrons from atoms, which can cause damage to living cells. Non-ionizing radiation does not have enough energy to remove electrons from atoms.
The EMF spectrum helps determine our exposure to those types of radiation. They can be dangerous if you are exposed to large amounts.
Phones, chargers, television, and the like can stop and create problems caused by dirty electricity. This causes electric and magnetic frequencies to “leak” out from their normal route. To learn more about how “dirty” electricity is and how to have EMF protection, click here.
The Importance of EMF Protection
Electromagnetic frequency radiation is unavoidable but there are ways to lessen exposure. One factor would be the risk of dirty electricity running unnoticed on our appliances.
This raises the risk of radiation exposure and health issues in the long run, so proper digital EMF filters are a must.
One of the main dangers of EMF radiation is its ability to cause changes in the human body at the cellular level. Studies have shown that EMF radiation can cause damage to DNA, changes in cell metabolism, and an increase in free radicals, which can lead to various health problems.
Signal processing is a complex process, but learning the fundamentals will help you know how a lot of wireless devices work and improve your projects.
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