Braces were once a painful ordeal for children and teenagers. But thankfully, things have come a long way since the days of metal and rubber bands! Now, kids and teens can get treatment that is 100% effective, but totally invisible.
Invisalign is a technique that replaces those old-school metal brackets. The great thing is, insurance companies are now covering the cost of this treatment.
You’re probably curious to find out more? Then, keep reading to discover how does Invisalign work its magic!
Consultation and Treatment Planning
During the consultation, a dentist or orthodontist assesses the patient’s teeth and makes a personalized treatment plan. They discuss the treatment plan with the patient so everyone understands the end goal.
Based on the wishes of the patient, the dentist and orthodontist decide whether Invisalign is the right choice for the patient. Once the treatment plan is approved, the dentist creates several 3-D images of the patient’s teeth which are used to create custom-made aligners.
These aligners are worn in order for the patient to begin the process of straightening their teeth. It usually takes 12-18 months for the entire process to be finished.
Throughout the treatments, the dentist may need to modify the treatment plan or aligners, but the end result will be a beautiful, straight smile. Invisalign is a wonderful solution for anyone wanting to straighten their teeth without the inconvenience of traditional braces.
Digital Scanning and Treatment Simulation
Invisalign uses digital scanning and treatment simulation to work its magic. This technology uses a 3D digital scan of your mouth to create a detailed map of your teeth, gums, and facial structure. This digital scan is then used to simulate different treatment options so that your dentist can feel confident about providing you with a personalized plan for your teeth.
After the treatment plan is created, Invisalign uses the digital map to create a personalized series of clear, plastic aligners that gradually shift your teeth into their desired position.
Each aligner is tailored to your specific shape and size, and as you switch out the aligners every two weeks, your teeth shift into the desired position. Through digital scanning and treatment simulation, Invisalign is able to work its magic to give you the beautiful, straight smile you deserve.
Custom Aligner Fabrication
Invisalign works its magic through custom aligner fabrication by first taking accurate 3D images of a patient’s teeth and creating a virtual treatment plan. The software then uses the plan to control custom aligner fabrication for each individual patient.
First a clear series of custom-made aligners are created, which are designed to fit that specific individual’s teeth. Each aligner is designed to move the teeth into the prescribed position by the graduation of force exerted on the teeth.
Over the course of the treatment, the patient switches aligners as the teeth gradually move into position. Each aligner in the series is worn for a certain amount of time and is meant to be replaced as the teeth move into the desired position.
Wearing Your Aligners
Invisalign works its magic when you wear your aligners! The aligners gradually and gently move teeth into the desired position over time. The invisible braces applied to the teeth change in shape, size and the pressure exerted over the teeth each week.
As time goes on, the aligners continue to slowly move teeth into the desired position. In the end, the teeth move into a perfect straighter smile! Invisalign makes sure over time that the alignment of teeth is smooth and comfortable without any hassle.
Wearing your aligners as directed is the key to successful and speedy movement of teeth without discomfort or pain. Invisalign aligners make it easy to move teeth while living life normally without feeling self-conscious about wearing braces.
Gradual Tooth Movement
Invisalign works its magic through gradual tooth movement. It consists of multiple aligner trays which are replaced every two weeks. The trays are designed with precise movements that fit the teeth perfectly and slowly straighten them out.
The trays apply a gentle pressure to the teeth and the gums to move them into the desired position. As the trays are switched out, they slowly move the teeth into their new position over time. This is done gradually and not abrupt, causing less discomfort to the patient.
As the teeth move, they change shape and form, leading to an aesthetically pleasing smile. With regular visits to the Invisalign orthodontist and changes to the aligners every two weeks, gradual tooth movement takes place.
Through gradual tooth movement, the teeth are shifted into position over the course of a few months to a year. With Invisalign, a healthy and attractive smile is achievable.
Attachments and Interproximal Reduction (IPR)
Invisalign uses attachments and Interproximal Reduction (IPR) to work its magic. Attachments are small custom-made tooth-colored and/or clear resin bumps that are bonded to specific teeth. These bumps act as a grip for the aligner tray and move the teeth over time.
Interproximal Reduction (IPR) is an optional technique which entails careful trimming, or shaving, of the enamel between the teeth. During this process, the enamel on the sides of the teeth can be made slightly thinner.
This allows the teeth to glide slightly closer together without risking damage to the root. These techniques together can help to move the teeth into their desired position while preserving the integrity of the teeth.
Invisalign uses a special type of technology that helps to shape teeth into the desired shape through continual refinements. The main way it works its magic through refinements is with its patented Smart Force and Smart Track technology.
Smart Force utilizes a combination of gentle, incremental forces to move teeth into the perfect positions. This is combined with the SmartTrack material, which works in conjunction with these forces to facilitate the movement of teeth in a uniform manner.
Invisalign also uses a tracking system to ensure results are consistent throughout treatment. The system records digital images of the teeth from each refinement during the dental treatment. This allows the process to be monitored accurately in order to ensure a successful outcome. Visit these orthodontists to learn more about this dental procedures.
Learn How Does Invisalign Work
On how does Invisalign work is an amazing and discrete way to get the smile you want and deserve. There is no pain or drastic changes, and you’ll get the results in a short amount of time.
If you’re ready to start your journey to the perfect smile, contact your nearest Invisalign provider today.
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