Your loved one is preparing to undergo treatment in a hospital, and naturally, you’re a little worried. You’re not just worried about the outcome of the procedure, however. You’re also concerned about how clean and safe the operating room will be — and rightfully so.
Research shows that nearly 650,000 people across the United States develop infections when staying at hospitals. In addition, around 75,000 patients pass away as a result of these infections.
For this reason, UV-C disinfection is taking center stage in medical facilities across the country. This type of disinfection allows hospital staff to confidently disinfect operating rooms, patient rooms, emergency rooms, ICUs, and even facilities that provide long-term care.
The question is, how does UV-C disinfection work, and is it truly effective? Here’s everything you need to know about UV-C disinfection.
Let’s jump in!
A Look at UV-C Light
Ultraviolet light, or UV light, is a light form that human beings cannot see. That’s because it exists between visible light and X-rays on a range of electromagnetic radiation frequencies.
UV-C light is UV light whose wavelengths are anywhere from 200 to 300 nanometers. These wavelengths make the light germicidal. This means that the light can inactivate microorganisms like protozoa, viruses, and bacteria.
In other words, UV-C light can be helpful for sterilizing surfaces and disinfecting water. UV-C light is also able to destroy any harmful microorganisms located in the air or in food.
In light of the above, UV-C light is deemed an effective and environmentally friendly solution for stopping the replication of microorganisms.
How UV-C Light Works, and the Benefits of UV-C Disinfection
UV-C light features high amounts of energy that damage nucleic acids. As a result, the light keeps microorganisms from reproducing and infecting. The site of PathO3Gen Solutions specifies some of the pathogens that UV-C light is effective against.
One of the key advantages of UV-C disinfection is that it is chemical free, so it doesn’t leave behind any residue.
In addition, UV-C light doesn’t require any storage or transportation. This makes it a convenient tool to use in the medical facility setting. It also means that hospitals don’t have to worry about handling corrosive or toxic chemicals.
UV-C disinfection is also an automated, no-touch process. As a result, it eliminates the potential for human error during the hospital disinfection process. It also frees up staff to tackle other duties, thus boosting their productivity.
How We Can Help
In addition to highlighting how UV-C disinfection works, we offer a wide variety of tips for staying healthy on a daily basis.
For instance, through our site, you can learn about the top websites to visit for accurate, up-to-date medical information. We also offer information on where you can find top-of-the-line eyewear and even yoga pants.
Take a peek at our site to learn how to enjoy a higher quality of life and overall wellbeing in the months and years ahead.