Do you want to learn how to tie a tie?
Wearing a suit brings out a sense of confidence and class. It makes you presentable on any occasion in job interviews, business meetings, and during formal events. What adds personality to the solid colors of the two or three-piece suit is in the necktie that you wear.
The necktie has its predecessors traced back to the cravat. It came to fashion when King Louis XIII wore a lace cravat back in 1646. Years pass and its successor, the necktie, came with its myriad of colors and patterns.
A clip-on tie can provide you much with ease. Despite this, the experience of tying and wearing a necktie is a skill you need to master. Today, we will look at the ways on how to tie ties and the steps involved in each so you can do it with confidence.
1. The Single/Oriental Knot
As we start learning how to tie a tie, we begin with something simple. The single knot stands out as one of the easiest to learn and execute. This knot works great for having a small knot for your necktie, perfect for skinny suits with matching skinny ties.
The other thing is that it can work for business and casual settings, where it shines best when used with smaller-sized collars.
Start by draping the tie around your collar. The front must face inward while the thick end of the tie is on your left. Make sure that it is at least 2-3 inches lower than the finishing position that you want, which could vary depending on your height and the necktie’s length.
After that, take the narrow end and cross it over the wide end. Then bring the wide end in front of the narrow end. From that position, take the wide end into the neck opening.
Take the thick end once more and this time, insert it through the loop formed in the front. At this point, pull the thick end and hold on to the knot. It should let you slide the tie-up and tighten it as desired.
For an orderly finish, slip the tie’s narrow end through the keeper loop and then straighten your tie. Now you have a simple and versatile knot for your necktie.
2. The Four-in-Hand Knot
This next knot is one of the oldest. It is also the most popular for beginners to practice and use. It tends to look less formal due to its asymmetrical design.
It works great due to how easy it is to wear and it fits slim ties. For instance, it is a fitting knot to use with a knit tie. You can check this out to know how to wear a knit tie.
Now, for steps on how to do the four-in-hand. Start with bringing the thick end of your tie to the right, its position being also subjective to tie length and your height. Position the wide end slightly lower than the narrow end by at least 3-4 inches.
From that point, make the wide end of the tie cross over the narrower end. Then bring the wide end to the back. Once you do, wrap it across the front once more and then bring the wide end through the neck opening.
After that, take the wider end and pass it through the loop in front of the knot. Pull it through to tighten it until it takes the look you desire. Now hold the knot and slide it up to your neck while holding and pulling the narrow end up to the desired tightness.
3. The Windsor Knot
The Windsor knot is one of the most popular knots as it denotes success for men. It has a symmetrical shape that may seem difficult but is an easy knot to execute. For instance, Sean Connery’s portrayal of James Bond had his neckties worn with the Windsor Knot.
It works well with traditionally tailored, non-skinny suits. More so with spread collars due to its shape and volume. Also, this knot works best on formal occasions.
To learn how to tie a Windsor knot, start with draping your necktie with the wider corner on the left. Let the wide end hang about 4-6″ below the waistband. From there, cross the wide end over the narrow end to the right, then have it cross under in the loop between the tie and the shirt collar.
After that, bring the wide end back up to the center through the neck loop. From there, let the wide end pass under the narrow end going to the left. Then, bring the wider end up from left to right towards the neck loop and pull to the left.
Now bring the wide end over the knot from left to right. This should cover the knot as you bring the wide end to pass through the neck loop and the central covering loop on the knot. Pull to tighten the knot and slide it up to your neck to the desired position.
4. The Half-Windsor Knot
By nature, this bears similarities to the Windsor knot. The difference is that this version is the easier variant with lesser layers.
It starts in the same way as the Windsor as you drape the necktie. Cross the wide end over the narrow end. After that, wrap the wide end over the narrow end of the tie from right to left by letting it pass underneath.
Now this time, bring the wide end over the narrow end from the left into the neck loop. Then wrap it once more from right to left, letting the wide end slip through the neck loop. Slip the wide end in the loop formed between the knot and the covering portion of the tie.
From this point, tighten the knot and you should be able to slide this as desired. Now you have a thinner and simpler version of the Windsor.
Learn and Master How to Tie a Tie Today
Knowing how to tie a tie is an essential skill when wearing suits. It exudes a sense of class in fashion as it lets you appear with both sophistication and credibility. You can also be fashionable with it in both formal and casual situations.
Do you want to know more about wearing a tie? It does more for you than making you look more formal. Check out more of our blogs and guides to learn all about ties today!