You have a new complete dental crown procedure done. And, it feels great!
You are ready to go back to your normal life, giddy and carefree when suddenly you experience what can only be described as a toothache. It’s the worst!
This is called having a dry socket and it typically happens after dental procedures. But what is a dry socket and how can you prevent it? Find out below!
What is Dry Socket?
A dry socket is a serious complication that can occur after a tooth is extracted. So what causes dry socket?
It occurs when the blood clot that forms in the extraction site is dislodged or dissolves. This can happen a few days after the extraction.
A dry socket is extremely painful and can even make it difficult to eat or drink. The socket will need to be treated by a dentist or oral surgeon, who will clean the socket and place a medicated dressing in it.
Avoid Using a Straw for 2 to 4 Days After Surgery
One of the best ways to prevent a dry socket is to avoid using a straw for 2 to 4 days after your surgery. This will help to keep the blood clot in place so that it can continue to do its job of protecting the socket and promoting healing. If you must use a straw, be sure to suck gently to avoid dislodging the clot.
Ask Your Dentist About Medication Interactions
If you’re taking medication for a dry socket, it’s important to ask your dentist about any potential interactions. Medication can help relieve the pain and other symptoms, but it’s important to be aware of any potential interactions.
For example, painkillers such as ibuprofen can thin the blood and may cause excessive bleeding.
Avoid Smoking to Prevent Dry Socket
Smoking can cause dry sockets by reducing the blood flow to the area and delaying the healing process. This can happen because the nicotine in cigarettes constricts blood vessels and reduces the amount of oxygen that gets to the healing area.
Additionally, the chemicals in cigarettes can delay the formation of a blood clot at the site of the extraction, which is necessary for the healing process.
Eat Soft Foods After the Surgery
Eating soft food can help to prevent dry sockets by keeping the blood clot in place. When you chew, the pressure from your teeth helps to keep the blood clot in place.
If the blood clot becomes loose, you may experience severe pain. Eating soft foods can help to prevent this from happening.
Practice Proper Oral Hygiene
Another way to prevent dry sockets is to practice proper oral hygiene. This means brushing and flossing your teeth regularly, as well as visiting your dentist for cleanings and checkups.
If you do develop a dry socket, it’s important to keep the area clean and free of food particles to prevent infection. You can also use a soothing mouthwash or rinse to help keep the area clean and comfortable.
If you are getting ready for a root canal procedure, check out this root canal complete guide to know what to expect.
Prevent Dry Socket With These Tips
If you experience pain after a tooth extraction, contact your dentist right away. You may have a dry socket, which is a painful condition that can delay healing. To prevent it, follow these tips and your dentist’s instructions for taking care of your mouth after the extraction.
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