When you see the name, you might think that industrial hygiene deals primarily with cleanliness. Sure, a clean environment is part of it, but it encompasses everything that has to do with ensuring workplace safety.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, better known as OSHA, is the government agency tasked with overseeing the safety of 130 million workers at 8 million job sites.
Complete your industrial hygiene certification and learn the ins and outs of worker safety. Keep reading to learn how.
Industrial Hygiene Jobs
Now, more than ever, there is a need for industrial hygiene. This is partially due to the fact that we are more aware of potential dangers and know how to confront them.
Also, one can not escape the reality of what’s out there. Accidents, crime, and air quality are just some of what an industrial hygienist needs to consider. Oh, and don’t forget about the viral pandemic caused by COVID-19.
As a result, a career in industrial hygiene has never been in higher demand.
The Road to Certification
So, you say you’re interested in becoming an industrial hygienist? It’s a growing profession that is both well paying and personally rewarded.
But where to begin?
Education Requirements
The majority of working industrial hygienists have a bachelor’s degree. Generally, they will have earned a degree in science.
Some employers may insist that you obtain a master’s degree. It should be noted, however, that you might be able to work as a hygienist even without an industrial hygiene degree or less academic preparation.
An employer would certainly require some kind of experience and/or may offer on the job training.
Degree Programs
The world of industrial hygiene is extremely varied. There is a lot of room for you to specialize and find your own niche.
Industrial hygienists can direct their study and specialize in air quality, hazard surveillance, fire safety, chemical management, environmental safety, and a number of other fields.
Generally speaking, the more specialized your study, it will be easier to get a higher paying job as an industrial hygiene consultant.
Getting Certified
Before you start working, the vast majority of employers require you to have a certification.
You must take a course given by a recognized institution. The American Board of Industrial Hygiene (ABIH), for example, is an organization that oversees the credentialing process of valid industrial hygiene certification programs.
The American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) has over 100 years of working to guarantee the safety of American workers. Visit this link at safetyfocus.assp.org/ih to learn more about virtual events and other resources they offer.
Obtaining Your Industrial Hygiene Certification
Are you the type of person who worries about the safety of others? Do you get anxiety watching someone do something dangerous on the job?
Are you interested in a well-paying job in a constantly evolving field? You need to look into obtaining an industrial hygiene certification.
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