According to the CDC, the average American man has a body mass index, or BMI, of 26.6. The average American woman, meanwhile, has a BMI of 26.5. This puts both the average American man and the average American woman in the overweight category.
Are you overweight or possibly even obese? If so, you might be thinking about trying to shed pounds soon. You can start a weight loss journey in the coming days or weeks and start to see a real difference in your weight almost right away.
Achieving transformation weight loss is possible. But you’ll need to take the right approach to losing weight to get the results you’re looking for.
We’ve created a collection of weight loss tips that’ll help you hit your weight loss goals and transform yourself into a completely different person. See how to achieve transformation weight loss below.
Cut Calories
Over the course of the next few days, you should try to put together a food diary. This food diary will help show how much you’re eating each day. More importantly, it’ll shine a light on how many calories you’re taking in on a daily basis.
This will give you an opportunity to start cutting calories from your diet. You might find that doing this will be as simple as eliminating sugary snacks and beverages from your diet.
The fewer calories you’re able to take in each day, the more of a transformation weight loss you should be able to experience. You’ll start to shed pounds in no time since your body won’t be getting all the calories it normally does.
Eat Better
Outside of cutting calories to lose weight, you should also work on eating better. Ideally, your diet should consist of more lean meats and vegetables and less processed foods.
You’ll also want to work plenty of water into the mix. While the occasional juice or other beverage might be okay, you’ll want to focus on drinking water for the most part. It’ll keep you hydrated while also putting you in a position to enjoy transformation weight loss.
Get Active
If the only thing you do is change your diet during your weight loss journey, you should still see some positive results. Most people gain a lot of weight by not eating right, so they’ll also lose a lot of weight when they change their diets for the better.
But in addition to dieting, you should also make it your mission to begin getting more exercise. Staying active will help burn calories, which will make it possible for you to shed more pounds than you would be able to otherwise.
You don’t necessarily need to start running marathons to lose weight, either. Doing something as simple as going for a walk a few nights each week will get your heart pumping and help you lose a few pounds at a time.
Sleep More
In theory, you might not think that sleeping more would be good for someone on a weight loss journey. But getting the right amount of sleep at night will help your body to shed pounds.
You’ll also find that you’ll wake up feeling more refreshed each morning when you get more than enough sleep. It’ll put you in a better mood and make you want to eat right. It’ll also provide you with the energy you’ll need to work out hard.
Stress Less
There’s almost no getting around being at least a little bit stressed out these days. There are so many wild things going on in the world that’ll leave you feeling stressed even if you’re someone who handles stress well.
But if you’re constantly stressing out over every little thing, it might make it difficult for you to lose weight. It might also make you want to turn to food and other vices like alcohol to deal with your stress. Indulging in these kinds of things will lead to you losing weight rather than gaining it.
Try Medications
If you spend your fair share of time working your way through a weight loss journey and you aren’t seeing any differences in your weight, you might want to talk to your doctor about what’s going on. They may be able to help you pick out a medication that could aid you in losing weight.
Prescription GLP-1 medications, for example, can work wonders for those who are trying to lose weight and keep it off. It might be worth exploring which medications would work best for you.
You’ll still need to work on making major lifestyle changes to keep any weight that you lose off over the long term. But in the short term, these medications could be just what you need to achieve transformation weight loss.
Celebrate Milestones
You aren’t going to lose 10, 20, 50, or even 100 pounds overnight. It’s going to take weeks and maybe even months for you to hit your weight loss goals.
Because of this, you should break your big weight loss goals down into smaller goals. It’ll give you an opportunity to celebrate all the milestones you’re able to reach over time. This will make you feel more motivated than ever before and leave you truly feeling like you’re making progress during your weight loss journey.
Experience Transformation Weight Loss by Using These Tips
The weight loss tips listed here will lead you down the right path as you seek to achieve transformation weight loss. They’ll also help turn you into a much healthier person if you’re able to implement big lifestyle changes.
Start using these weight loss tips to your advantage today. You might be pleasantly surprised to see how well they work when it comes to helping you lose weight.
Find more useful weight loss tips and tricks by reading through some of our other published blog articles.