Forget chia seeds and kale smoothies, sleep is one of the best things you can do for your health and wellness. Poor quality sleep will disrupt the following day and if you often find yourself tossing and turning, big problems will soon emerge.
Over half the US population is stressed during the day and over 80% will suffer from work-related stress. As we all know, getting to sleep when you’ve had a stressful day can be tricky. In fact, your racing mind might keep you awake for hours before you finally get to sleep.
As sleep has the power to reduce your stress levels, you need to know how to knock sleeplessness on the head. Keep reading to find out how to get that restorative sleep.
How Stress Disrupts Your Sleep
When you’re feeling stressed, your stress hormones are high and you’re body has switched on the sympathetic system. Far from being sympathetic, this is the nervous system that we sometimes call “fight or flight”. It means we’re on edge, ready for a stressful event.
When we’ve had a stressful day, this system stays turned on throughout the evening. When you head to bed you end up lying there, worries churning over in your head.
Your brain can’t go to sleep when it’s primed for fight or flight, so getting to sleep feels impossible. As a lack of sleep can increase your stress levels, this becomes a vicious cycle. Getting a good amount of quality sleep will reduce your stress levels, no matter what the day holds.
Getting to Sleep After a Stressful Day
Preparing for a good night’s sleep after a stressful day doesn’t begin when you climb into bed. You’ll need to take care of yourself all evening and, preferably, all day too.
Watch What You Consume
Drinking alcohol and eating other sugar in the evening can impact your sleep on a surprising level. Instead, drink water and eat a healthy diet to give yourself a better chance of sleep
Go Outside
If you can, take some time outdoors. Go for a quick walk in the park or just sit in your yard and look at the trees. Spending time every day in nature helps to relax you and put your day in perspective.
Protect Your Teeth
Teeth grinding is a common response to stress and happens during sleep. Worrying about your teeth won’t help you sleep so get yourself the Brux Night Guard for grinding teeth and rest easy.
Write a List
Big or small, write down whatever worries and stresses are going through your day. It could be, “I need to remortgage” or “my colleague wears awful shoes”. It doesn’t matter what it is, it just matters that it’s out of your head before you hit the pillow.
Don’t Let a Stressful Day Ruin Your Night
A stressful day can lead to a sleepless night all too easily. Waking up after a restless night will make your stress levels even worse so tackling this problem is essential.
Always look after yourself throughout the day, particularly when you get home from work. Eat mindfully, get outside for fresh air and nature, and prepare yourself carefully for sleep. It sounds too simple to be true, but getting good quality sleep can transform your stress levels.
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