Did you know that almost everyone gets an occasional headache? These can be anything from slightly annoying to extremely debilitating.
What’s incredible is that many people think they’re suffering from headaches, but they’re actually having migraines. While these aren’t rare (at least 1 out of every 7 adults in the world gets them), they’re definitely not as common as headaches.
Both can really hurt your head, but how can you be sure which one’s affecting you?
If you’re not sure what the details are regarding a headache vs migraine, then keep reading. In this article, we’ll show you the differences and what treatment options are effective.
What’s a Headache?
A headache causes discomfort or pain in your head. There can be aching, throbbing, and/or pressure. You can get anything from a mild to a severe headache, and to make matters worse, it can last anywhere from a few hours to several days.
There are actually three different types of headaches: tension, sinus, and cluster. These are all considered primary headaches; secondary ones come from other medical conditions, such as infection.
Tension Headaches
Tension headaches are the most common kind of headache. They usually cause pain in both sides of your head; you’ll feel the pain start at the back of your head, then it’ll slowly spread to the front.
Tension headaches can appear if you’re hungry or stressed. Also, if you’ve been overworking your eyes and get eye strain, this can bring on tension headaches too.
These can be chronic, so don’t be surprised if they return often.
Sinus Headaches
Sinus headaches happen because your sinus passages are swollen, which means they can rear their ugly heads when you have allergies or are sick.
Because your sinus passages swell, this causes pain behind your eyes, nose, and cheeks. You might find that the pain gets worse when you bend forward. It’s at its worst when you wake up too.
Cluster Headaches
As the name suggests, these headaches occur in “clusters”. For many people, this means they get headaches not only daily, but also several times per day. Cluster headaches can last for months and be highly disruptive.
These headaches happen as a result of dilated blood vessels in the brain, which happen from a release of histamines and serotonin. This means that you can get cluster headaches from bright lights, physical exertion, and altitude.
What’s a Migraine?
Most people mistakenly think that a migraine is just a really bad headache. However, you’d be surprised to learn that headaches are a symptom of migraines!
Migraines are considered a neurological disease, as well as a primary headache disorder.
Migraine symptoms include:
- Recurring severe and pulsating headaches
- Pain on one or both sides of the head
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Sensitivity to smell, sound, light, or touch
- Blurry vision
Migraine episodes can anywhere from several hours to several days.
The most telling sign that you’re having a migraine is an aura beforehand. You might have speech difficulties, visual disturbances, or tingling sensations.
Migraines are believed to result from a combination of genetic and environmental factors that affect your brain’s blood vessels and chemicals. There are definitely triggers that can bring on migraines, such as stress, hormonal changes, certain foods, lack of sleep, or even specific sensory stimuli.
Headache vs Migraine: Similarities
Considering that headaches are a symptom of migraines, there are several similarities between the two.
Obviously, you get head pain with both, and they can last several hours or days. The pain can be bad enough to significantly impact your daily activities and quality of life.
Both also have triggers and can make you sensitive to stimuli.
Headache vs Migraine: Differences
Yes, both are very painful afflictions, but they differ a bit here. Headaches can vary in intensity, but migraines are generally more severe and debilitating. You’ll usually feel throbbing or pulsating, while headaches are duller, with a constant ache or pressure.
In addition, the headache location is on both sides of the head or concentrated in specific areas. On the other hand, migraines are more commonly found on one side of the head (but can be on both).
As you’ve seen above, the associated symptoms are different too, as well as the triggers. You can also expect migraines to last longer, and may be more frequent.
Lastly, the treatment options differ (more on this in the next sections).
How to Treat a Headache
You can get over-the-counter medications to treat headaches, such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and aspirin. However, if you struggle with bad and/or frequent headaches, you can also see the doctor for a specialized treatment plan and prescription medications, such as muscle relaxants or triptans. View a headache specialist here if you’re interested.
In some cases, using hot or cold compresses on your head or neck area can provide relief. Try taking some caffeine too.
In addition, you can make lifestyle modifications and use stress management techniques. It’s important to identify and avoid triggers as well.
How to Treat a Migraine
Over-the-counter medications can help migraines too. However, to really keep them at bay, you might need specific prescription medications. Your doctor can also prescribe preventive medicines.
Like with headaches, making lifestyle modifications and lessening stress can be beneficial, as well as identifying and avoiding triggers.
Know the Difference
Now you know more information regarding a headache vs migraine. While both can be extremely painful and disruptive, they’re two separate things. And this means that there are different treatment options for you to regain control over your life.
You can first try over-the-counter remedies in addition to making lifestyle changes and avoiding triggers. However, if your headaches or migraines become bigger issues, then it’s best to see a doctor and get a treatment plan that’s right for you.
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