Over 45 percent of American adults claim to binge drink at least once a month. Some people have no problem having a few drinks and then stopping. However, there is a large portion of the American population that is addicted to alcohol.
In some cases, signs of alcoholism will be slow to surface. If you have a friend or loved one that seems to be struggling with alcohol, getting them help is crucial. Learning the signs and symptoms of alcoholism can help you keep your friend or family member safe by getting them treatment early on.
Read below to find out more about the warnings signs you may notice when a loved one has a drinking problem.
1. Drinking Excessive Amounts of Alcohol and Losing Control
Going out and having a few drinks is something most adults do on occasion. If you have a friend or family member that drinks excessive amounts of alcohol when you go out, you may want to keep an eye on them. Often times, drinking to excess will cause a person to lose control when they are intoxicated.
If your friend or family member reports blacking out or not remembering what they did after consuming lots of alcohol, they may have a drinking problem. Rather than waiting until this problem gets worse, you need to contact the professionals at Alo House alcohol recovery centers.
With their help, your friend or family member can get the help they need to quit drinking once and for all.
2. Continuous Drinking Even When They Are Aware of Problems
One of the most dangerous activities an alcoholic can engage in when drinking is driving a car. If your friend or family member has recently been arrested for driving under the influence, then it may be time for them to enter a treatment facility.
A person that continues to drink even after being arrested for a DUI usually has a problem with alcohol. Staging an intervention is the best way to talk with a person about how their drinking is affecting everyone around them.
Consulting with an addiction counselor is the best way to plan an intervention without making mistakes. In most cases, the counselor will come and act as a mediator during the intervention. Offering your friend or family member help may be just what they need to get back on track and kick drinking for good.
3. Serious Drinking Related Health Problems Are No Laughing Matter
Most people who drink to excess on a regular basis fail to realize how taxing this activity can be on their bodies. If your friend or loved one has recently been diagnosed with drinking-related health problems, getting them to stop consuming alcohol is crucial.
The longer a person continues to drink alcohol after a serious health-related problem surfaces, the harder it will be for them to avoid long-term problems. This is why getting an individual professional help to quit drinking is so vital.
Noticing the Signs and Symptoms of Alcoholism
Once you start to notice the signs and symptoms of alcoholism in a friend or family member, you need to take action. With the help of an addiction counselor, staging an intervention will be much easier.
Looking for more information about addiction treatment? If so, check out the rest of the blogs on our website.