As much as everyone wishes they could stop time to prevent it again, it simply can’t be done. There eventually comes a time when your elderly loved one might need a live-in caregiver. There are many benefits of hiring a live-in caregiver rather than placing your loved one in a facility.
They get to stay in the comforts of their own home, which means less change and stress on them. Before you hire a caregiver, though, you’ll need to make sure you’re hiring someone you can trust. Not sure how to find a live-in caregiver who’s reputable and will take great care of your loved one?
Continue reading below to learn about a few important things you need to know when starting the hiring process!
1. Provide Them With a Detailed Job Description
How will you create your job ad that applicants will apply to? Will you let caregivers know about the job via word of mouth, or will you create an actual job ad? Either way, you need to provide all applicants with a detailed job description.
Write out every small detail about the type of care you expect the caregiver to provide your loved one with. Will they need help bathing each night, shaving once a week, taking several daily medications each day, and more?
You want the person you hire to be aware of all these tasks and agree to complete them as expected. If the applicant believes there’s something they can’t do, then continue looking at other applications.
2. Create a Solid Interview Process
Even if the person you’re considering hiring is a friend of a friend, you need to put them through a solid interview process. Have at least 3 different steps that you take them through. The first step can be an over-the-phone interview.
This can be a brief conversation where you make sure they meet all of the basic qualifications. The next step is to bring them in for an in-person interview (if they pass the phone interview). Get to know them better and see what other qualifications they have.
The last part of the interview process should be for them to meet with your loved one. See how well they interact with your loved one. If they pass each of these interview phases, then you can move on to a trial period.
Have them come in and start the job as a trial run. If everything goes well, you can then consider bringing them on fulltime.
3. Prepare a List of Questions
You should have a list of questions prepared for them as well. Remember, this person is going to be left alone with your loved one each day as the sole caretaker. You want to ensure you’ve found the right person for the job.
Think of any questions you might have about the caregiver or in regards to your loved one and the type of care they’ll receive. Make sure to ask the caregiver each one of your questions.
4. Check Their Background and References
Before bringing anyone into your loved one’s home to be left alone with them, do make sure you check their background and references. Pay to have a criminal background check done and then search the public court records in your area and in the area they come from (if different).
Even if the person has no criminal records, you also might not want to hire someone with drug convictions or DUIs, which may present risks to your loved one. Next, ask them for a few references. They should be able to provide you with at least 3 references you can call.
Take the time to call each reference and ask a few questions to give you a better understanding of who the caregiver is.
5. Ensure They Have the Experience
The person you hire should have a good amount of experience also. Not only will you want to find someone with a good amount of experience working in elderly care, but you should find someone in homecare with specific experience working with your loved one’s needs.
For example, does your loved one suffer from dementia? If so, it’s important for you to find someone who has experience working with people suffering from it. If something were to happen, they’ll know how to respond and react.
6. Set Up a Way to Monitor Them
Unfortunately, you can’t trust everyone, even the people who you thought you could. This is why it’s a good idea to have some way to monitor them daily. If you can, then consider checking in on your loved one with random visits to ensure they’re being cared for.
You can also send another family member over to do the same if you’re unable to. Nannycams in the home is another great idea. Have the caregiver sign a contract stating they’re aware of the cameras and none are in private places such as the bathrooms or their bedroom.
7. Ask Them About Their Medical Qualifications
It’s essential you find someone with proper medical qualifications too. Do they have first aid and CPR training? Do they know what to do in case a doctor is needed?
They should also have some experience contacting 911 and know when to do so. If they claim to have these medical qualifications, then they should have identification cards with their name stating they’ve passed their CPR and first aid courses.
8. Trust Everyone’s Gut Feelings
The last thing you want to take into consideration is everyone’s gut feelings. When you bring a caregiver in to meet with your loved one, how does your loved one feel about them? What does your gut instinct tell you about them and how they interact with your loved one?
Are other family members present? If so, how do they feel about the caregiver? Be sure to take all of these gut feelings into consideration before making the final decision.
Are You Ready to Find Your Live-In Caregiver?
After reading through this guide and learning all of these helpful tips, are you now ready to find your live-in caregiver for your loved one? By following all of the steps listed above, you should be able to find someone you can trust who gives you peace of mind.
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