Do you often have a lot of stuff to carry around with you? Perhaps you’re one of these people who have tried (and failed) to stuff your car or jeep full of equipment only to find that your car is too full to move or that not everything will fit in.
Filling your car or pickup truck to the brim could lead to it being overweight and overtime sacking into the ground.
It’s an easy mistake to make but you could save yourself time and – in the long run – money by buying utility trailer for your goods.
Here’s all you need to know about how to pick the best utility trailer.
1. Know Your Purpose
Be sure to know your purpose for buying utility trailer. The purpose will determine what type of truck you will purchase and how much money you will need to spend.
If you are moving large animals such as horses or big dogs around the country then there might be better and safer solutions to a utility trailer.
Big or Small Equipment
Are you carrying gardening equipment? This is generally not that heavy so you are fine to purchase a smaller trailer such as a 4 by 6-inch utility trailer.
However, you might be looking to purchase a trailer to ferry larger equipment around that has wheels of its own such as a tractor, golf buggy or small jeep. If you are looking at shipping these around then you are going to need a bigger trailer that can secure these appropriately.
The key to knowing which trailer you need is knowing what equipment you are likely to be shipping around and how often. If you usually ship lawnmowers or small furniture from a house around but you only have to ship a tractor or jeep around once a year it’s worth considering whether you need a larger trailer.
You could rent out a bigger trailer out when you need it as paying for the cost of rental every now and again might work out cheaper than the difference between the smaller trailer and the larger one.
Remember that if your trailer is heavier it’s going to weigh your car down and this will, in turn, mean you burn CO2 emissions which contributes to the climate emergency.
You may wish to consider purchasing a hybrid SUV to drive your utility trailer. This will mitigate some of the damage of your emissions.
2. Know Your Terrain
It’s also important that you know your terrain. If you take a regular route what does it involve? If it is flat terrain or you are transporting your goods on straight roads then a standard trailer should be fine for you.
However, if you are transporting your trailer up through hills or mountains then you might need to invest in a trailer that can withstand steep angles and drive over rocky terrain. You want your goods to be secure and not to be at risk of falling loose from your trailer.
Weather is another consideration. If there is regular snow and sleet or even ice on the roads you take then you are also going to need to prepare for this.
You will want to consider buying utility trailer with sturdy wheels as well as one that is completely enclosed so that your cargo does not get pounded by the bad weather.
3. Get Licensed
You need to ensure that your trailer is properly licensed and legal. After purchasing your trailer you will be given a Manufacturer Certificate of Origin (MCO). This is a legal requirement.
After you receive this important document you need to take it to a license bureau along with the receipt to prove that you purchased it. After this, you should be given a title. This is your key to getting legal.
The legal requirements differ from state to state but it is your responsibility to ensure that your trailer complies with federal and state regulations and that you have the legal right to drive it.
4. Do Your Research
When purchasing a trailer it is important that you do your research prior to making your purchase.
If you purchase the first trailer on the market then the chances are you will be up-sold something you don’t need or undersold and end up with something that is inappropriate for your needs.
Google is your friend but so are other utility trailer owners. When thinking about the best utility trailers network with other users on social media or in your local community to find out what models they have and what they would suggest for your needs.
After your purchase also do some research into utility trailer storage tips to ensure your trailer lasts a long time.
5. Be Careful With Second Hand Trailers
Second-hand trailers can seem great for your pocket as they are reasonably priced but, as with any purchase, you need to make sure you are not getting ripped off and sold something that is going to break down very quickly.
Come armed to any shop with questions about how old the trailer is, who the previous owner was and any wear and tear that the trailer has endured. Be sure to ask to see any paperwork to validate these claims.
Always remember you don’t have to make a decision on the spot. A legitimate salesperson will respect your right to walk away and think about your purchase before making a final decision.
Best Utility Trailer? Do Your Research and Understand What Your Needs Are
If you are wondering what the best utility trailer is for you then be sure to do your research beforehand. Be clear on what you will use your trailer for, the kind of terrain you will be driving it on and how often you will make the trips.
Second-hand trailers can be good but be careful with being ripped off or sold a dud model. Equally when purchasing a new model be careful of being oversold something you don’t need.
If you are interested in reading more about the best utility trailer for you or how to buy utility trailer be sure to check out the rest of our site.