5 Branding Secrets Your Business Should Know About

We all know what brands are, but did you know that the world’s top brand, Amazon, has a value of over $680 billion? Amazon isn’t the only platform of its kind, just like Coca-Cola isn’t the only soft drink manufacturer, yet somehow these big names stand out.

It all boils down to recognizable branding. So, if you’d like to find out how they do it, keep reading to discover some important branding secrets you need to know.

1. Good Branding Is in the Details

One of the most important branding tips is to consider every detail carefully from the start. People take the visual aspects of a brand very seriously.

That means all the following aspects come into play when setting up your logo and packaging:

Brand Name

A strong brand name is vital if you want people to remember you, but it’s one of the most difficult initial aspects to master. Many of the best names are already taken, and it’s tricky finding available domains, too.

If you look at some of the world’s best-known brands, you’ll notice that they use nouns in place of names, i.e. Amazon, Apple, Fox, etc. Others have opted for misspellings of well-known words, like Google, or combined words, e.g. LinkedIn and Facebook.

When deciding on a name, you should consider the following:

  • What do you want your company to accomplish?
  • What do you want potential customers to think or assume when they see your brand name?
  • How does your business stand out from the competition?

These aspects can help you settle on a name that does some of the branding work for you.

Never hesitate to get opinions on your choice of a name before you go public with it. Offer friends, family, and social media contacts the opportunity to offer their insights into your choice.

Once you’ve committed to a strong name, it’s time to work on your logo.


Typography says a lot about your brand. It has two vital aspects:

  • Legibility
  • A visual reflection of your brand identity

Avoid difficult-to-read fonts, they don’t translate well to smaller sizes. Make sure you space letters and words well to promote legibility. 

An old-fashioned font doesn’t suit a fun, upbeat vibe, while script fonts can create a casual impression. If your brand stands for old-fashioned values like elegance and dependability, opt for a serif typeface.

Sans serif fonts work best on-screen, as they’re clean-looking and easy to read. These kinds of fonts create an impression of stability or power. 

Avoid trendy fonts, they will go out of fashion eventually. Rather, look at some of the best-known long-lived logos for inspiration.   


Color is an emotive aspect with long-established associations. Red can signify danger or action, while green symbolizes nature and freshness.

Some of these associations come from instinctual responses, i.e. poisonous fruits and venomous insects often have red coloring. Others are cultural norms formed over centuries, e.g. white as a symbol of purity and innocence.

Once you’ve decided on these basic branding aspects, stick to them. Consistency is the backbone of branding. 

2. Find Your Voice

Learn to speak to your target audience in terms that they can relate to. Get to know their aspirations, likes, and dislikes, so you can create messaging that they identify with.

Once you’ve established what your brand represents, never waiver from these branding ideas. For instance, if your company upholds green values, uphold this in all your publications, online advertising, and internal culture.

Branding starts within your company, so make sure you hire people who fit in with your voice and stay on the same page in their communications and customer service. Keep a consistent tone and voice in your online and offline advertising, too.

Never stop researching new markets that fit in with certain aspects of your brand, and reach out to them by highlighting these qualities of your brand.

3. Social Media Branding Secrets

Online communication is by far the biggest role player when getting your name out there. Social media has millions of users, providing a vast audience for building your brand.

These platforms are a relaxed environment, where people are open to exploring new things. Here, you can create engaging posts so that the recipients don’t feel like you’re ramming your brand down their throats.

Remember, different audiences all have their preferred social media platforms. Visual posts do well on Instagram, while a conversational tone suits Twitter. Facebook offers a bit of everything, but it can fall short when it comes to direct engagement. 

It’s easy to make mistakes on social media, and harm your company branding, so make sure everything you post fits in with your brand identity, voice, and tone. 

4. Company Branding Incorporates Community

While there’s no denying the importance of online branding, getting involved in your community is a powerful way to increase brand recognition.

Nowadays, brands that do good in their community win customers more easily and create a lasting good impression. Keep tabs on local news boards to see where you can help out. Sponsor events in your neighborhood, support shelter pets and donate to worthy (but relevant) causes.

Grab every feasible opportunity to associate your brand with good things, and you’ll reap fantastic rewards. 

5. Keep Your Brand Relevant

Consistency is key to lasting branding, but you also need to roll with the times when coming up with new branding ideas. One of the best ways to update your message in line with current trends is to work with a branding company.

These experts, like BrandTuitive, Checkmarket.com, and Pollfish, can help you conduct market research to get an idea of what people think of your brand, and where you can improve. 

Branding Is a Vital Business Basic

Now that you’re in the know about the basics of branding secrets, it’s time to get creative growing your business. Creating a strong brand from the start puts you on the path toward more customers and bigger profits. 

Branding is only one of the vital elements you need in a rock-solid marketing plan, discover more by browsing our website. 

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