What Are the Common Types of Cannabinoids?

Are you interested in the benefits of marijuana?

The buzz around CBD has made interest in the other types of cannabinoids like THC soar. However, there are actually over 100 cannabinoids. THC stands for Tetrahydrocannabinol, which is why marijuana gets you high.

You might have heard of CBD, but several other cannabinoids also have their fifteen minutes. This article is for you if you know about THC, CBD, and others.

Here is a guide to the different types of cannabinoids.

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)

THC is the primary psychoactive component of cannabis and is responsible for the “high” associated with using cannabis. As THC interacts with the body’s system, it affects learning, memory, appetite, mood, and pain perception. 

Cannabidiol (CBD)

CBD is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid used to treat conditions such as mental health and chronic pain. Its effects are mediated through the endocannabinoid system. It impacts receptors and leads to physiological changes at the cellular level. 

You can find many CBD products and other types of cannabinoids in dispensaries nowadays. Dispensaries like High Profile ensure a fresh supply and many cannabinoid options.

Cannabigerol (CBG)

CBG is a non-intoxicating cannabinoid in the early stages of the cannabis plant’s growth cycle. The effects of consuming CBG are also not as potent as those associated with THC. By synergizing with other cannabinoids, it can then increase their potency and effects.

Research continues to suggest that CBG has relaxation and anti-anxiety properties. It also has the potential to treat inflammation and reduce pain. 

Cannabichromenes (CBC)

CBC is closely related to THC, as both come from the same cannabinoid acid (CBGA). CBC has anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, and anti-nausea effects. It also can fight the growth of certain cancer cell lines. 

CBC is also known for its potent analgesic properties, making it a popular choice for treating pain. Additionally, CBC exhibits anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. 

Cannabinol (CBN)

CBN (cannabinol) is another cannabinoid in varying concentrations in different cannabis varieties. CBN is much lower in concentration than CBD and THC; however, it is also believed to possess medicinal properties. 

Additionally, the production of CBN involves the breakdown of THC. It may explain why it is more commonly found in cannabis products that have aged.

Cannabinodiol (CBDL)

CBDL is the active component of the marijuana plant and is the most prevalent of all cannabinoids. It has anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, and anti-anxiety properties. It is also believed to possess neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory, and anti-depressant properties.

CBDL helps with pain management and reduces nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy. CBDL has been associated with decreased seizures in children with certain forms of epilepsy. It may also provide relief from insomnia and anxiety.

It is important to note that CBDL is not psychoactive. It does not produce the “high” associated with marijuana use.

The Differences Between Different Types of Cannabinoids

There is much more to learn about the common types of cannabinoids and many more types and potential medicinal and therapeutic applications. It is an exciting and advancing field of research and development. People interested in more information about the common types of cannabinoids should research through medical journals and consult with a medical professional.

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