5 Tips for Creating the Best New Employee Onboarding Checklist

Did you know that each month roughly 6.5 million people are hired for a new job? Whether a new employee is working at McDonald’s or an office, they’ll need to be properly trained to have any chance of succeeding.

That’s where the onboarding process comes into play. Sadly, many businesses lack a proper new employee onboarding checklist for making the transition as easy as possible.

Luckily, in this article, we’ll go over some tips on making this type of checklist. That way, life is easier for both you and the new employee. Let’s get started!

1. Inform HR

Before anything else, you’ll need to approve the hire with HR. This can differ from business to business.

However, most of the time it involves submitting a job requisition form. During this time HR will likely run a background check on the individual.

2. Prepare Paperwork

Next, it’s time to gather all the paperwork the new hire will need. This involves payroll info, tax documents, agreements, and an employee handbook. You can print these materials out, or just send them to the individual if you want to remain paperless.

3. Set Up Their Workplace and Anything They’ll Need

Make sure the individual’s workstation is ready so they can instantly feel at home. In addition to a desk and chair, you should also set up any accounts and log-in information that they might need.

It also doesn’t hurt to provide them with a swag bag of company merch.

4. Create Training Materials

Training materials can vary depending on the type of job. However, if you want to streamline the process, then we recommend making specific training material that you can use over again.

That way, you aren’t repeating yourself if you need to hire someone else. Making training videos is a great idea for material that you can easily play for any new hires. Or, you can make in-depth courses that they need to fill out. Remember to keep things interactive.

5. Organize an Orientation

Once you have everything prepared, then it’s time to schedule an orientation. This will be the first day that the new ire comes in. During this time the individual will sign necessary documentation and begin training.

Make sure to not squeeze everything into orientation. Instead, spread it out over a few weeks or even months. That way the individual can gradually get used to their position.

Enjoy Learning About New Employee Onboarding Checklist? Keep Reading

We hope this article helped provide you with some tips for creating a new employee onboarding checklist. The most important piece of advice is to not rush anything.

Take the onboarding process slowly so that the new employee isn’t overwhelmed with a ton of information on the first day. That way they can ease into their position and the responsibilities that it entails.

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