5 Free Account Management Apps For Busy Account Managers

When you are an account manager, you need to keep track of client notes, analyze data, and keep yourself organized. 

Luckily, you don’t have to keep track of all of this by hand anymore. Long gone are the days of tedious note-taking, handmade charts, and scattered planners. Technology is here to save the day.

Today we are sharing 5 free account management apps that will help make your life easier!

1. Feedly

Depending on the field that you are account managing in, it is important to stay up to date on current events and updates!

Organize important updates and articles in one place with Feedly.

It sounds simple, but it’s actually kind of genius. Organizing your news in one place is going to save you a ton of time pulling up different articles and posts from different platforms! This is super handy when completing a bit of research for a client.

2. MoreApp

Are you looking for an app to simplify forms in your life? Then make sure to check out the account manager app MoreApp!

MoreApp allows you to set up reminders and fill out forms offline for a smooth experience. MoreApp also has a website that helps you build platforms and forms and manage data. If you’re looking to simplify your account management experience, make sure to check them out.

3. Simplenote

Having trouble organizing your thoughts?

Simplenote is an amazing tool that will help you keep track of your ideas and conversations!

Simplenote is a free program that is compatible with all devices. Some handy things about Simplenote are that you can add tags to notes to find them quickly and use the tool anywhere.

4. Doodle

Every account manager knows that scheduling with clients can be a nightmare! Instead of trying to pin down one specific time and trying to keep track of different dates and options, why not try a Doodle account?

Doodle is a program that will allow you to create a poll to decide the best date and place for a meeting. This is especially handy when scheduling meetings between more than two people!

5. Boomerang

No, we’re not talking about the cool app extension for your Instagram.

Boomerang is a tool that you can add to your Gmail account! As an account manager, you spend a lot of time in your inbox. Use Boomerang to help you autofill your emails, schedule your emails, and even track what emails are getting responses.

A cool trick for Boomerang is to use the email scheduler to send yourself a little reminder! This can

Give These Account Management Apps a Try!

Did 2 or 3 apps on this list strike your fancy? Make sure to give these account management apps a try!

The amazing thing about all of these apps is that they take the tedious and time-consuming tasks in your life and streamline them. This will give you more time to focus on what matters, your accounts!

Enjoy learning? Make sure to check out our blog posts for more great ideas!

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